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Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Coffee as a Friend Stay up Night

Staying up late often do most people, both students and workers. There also are staying up because they want to watch TV, especially watching a football game broadcasts. One of the toughest challenges when staying up is the drowsiness that will surely arise when night comes.

How to not sleepy? How often do people usually are drinking a cup of coffee. Coffee is usually known as a beverage can stimulate our eyes to not get sleepy. Coffee is one of the most popular beverage of many people. Out of every three people in the world, one of which is a coffee drinker. Coffee is so delicious drink either morning or at night when work is piling up.

Some experts said that coffee consumption will still provide many health benefits to the extent not exceeding 5 cups per day. At this dose, the content of antioxidants in coffee may help prevent cancer and maintain brain function in order not to go senile. However, if too frequent coffee drinking will lead to dependence difficult to remove. If someone is addicted to coffee, the person will feel something is not good if it does not drink coffee. In fact, they will feel headache or dizziness if you do not drink coffee. If you are addicted will arise negatifhya effects such as heart palpitations, anxiety, and sometimes has the stomach problematic because it is not strong with the level of acidity. 

As has been the public to know, coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a natural compound found in the leaves of nuts and fruit plants. When consumed in excess, caffeine can cause heart problems. However, with the right dose, effective caffeine increase alertness, and even healthy.

The effects of caffeine intake will lead to changes in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior. Caffeine can also eliminate sleepiness while in the body and stimulate immunity. The recommended amount of caffeine is not more than 400 mg per day.

Based on the research Clarke and Macrae (1987), the levels of caffeine in Robusta coffee beans are from 1.6 to 2.4 per cent, and after being processed into ground coffee, caffeine levels to 2 percent. Levels of caffeine in coffee robusta slightly higher when compared to the caffeine content of arabica coffee. Levels of caffeine in arabica coffee powder is 1 percent.

Each type of coffee would contain caffeine, just different levels. For instant coffee, caffeine levels have been reduced so that it contains only about 65 mg of caffeine. While traditional coffee typically contains about 115 mg of caffeine. To that end, the amount of caffeine contained in traditional coffee or instant modern coffee still does not exceed the specified limits.

Typically, for fans of coffee, would not be satisfied if only a cup of coffee every day and of course the frequent late nights definitely drink more than a cup of coffee. However, if you consume too much coffee that would interfere with the body's health. This is because the caffeine contained in coffee that can adversely affect the health if it exceeds the limit recommended amount each day. In essence, the consumption of coffee is not bad for health as long as it does not exceed the specified limits. *** [SYLVIA HARNAH | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 20122012]
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