Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Looking Forward to the 2013 Favourite Gadget

The gadget Industry was so dynamic last year. Marked with the birth of so many new models, which are peppered with endless rivalry like Samsung vs Apple. 

We can expect this year, the manufacturer of the world's gadget will return "throwing a tantrum". So, what will they have to offer this year? Here are the predictions of the most anticipated gadget of 2013,

The Flexible Screen Technology
All created astonished when some time ago released the news that Samsung will release a flexible screen smartphone in the prestigious annual event of the world's gadget producers, namely the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on January, 2013.

Samsung's flexible screen technology.  
(Picture from:
Flexible screen is made from a flexible plastic so freely bendable. From the demo shown, this screen can be pulled up to curved as well be stored in the wallet.

The existence of this screen has been much discussed last year, with the product form plans as TV with size of 55 inches and smartphones (size of 5.5 inches with a resolution of 1,280 x 720 HD and 267 PPI for pixel density).

Sony's flexible screen technology.  
(Picture from:
Possible the Galaxy SIV series smartphones will using this flexible screen. The Wall Street Journal also reported that the Japanese company, Sony, is also planning to release a similar gadget since been researching this technology since 2002.

It's possible the Galaxy SIV series of Samsung's smartphones will using this flexible screen. The Wall Street Journal also reported that the Japanese company, Sony, is also planning to release a similar gadget, since 2002 they had been researching this technology.

In fact the world's electronics giant, Sony has showcased 4.1 inch of flexible OLED two years ago, on the same time Samsung also showed similar technology. We'll see, who is the first to introduce this powerful new technology.

Amazon's Gadget Airbag
Total solution provider of books, Amazon, appeared out of the ordinary by offering the air bag mobile devices that specifically made for gadget. The goal is to anticipate the device to be resilient when falling at high speed.

"This gadget will use air bags to reduce colliding impact between the gadget with the ground or the floor," said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, as reported by, citing a built-in accelerometer mechanism as the basis of this technology.
Amazon's Gadget Airbag. (Picture from:
Amazon had been given the patent of this system including the function of the gas to slow the fall that uses spring than air bags. Most likely this device will be used on the computer version of Amazon's new flagship tablet, Kindle Fire.

Blackberry 10
Despite continuously postponed, the faithful fans of Blackberry (BB) await presence the Blackberry 10 that slated for release on January 23, 2013. Many people call it as the last gamble of RIM in the global smartphone business.

If this product fails, it could be said gait of RIM  as a manufacturer in the mobile business will soon be over. Not wanting this prophecy come true, the Canadian vendor pay fully  and extra attention to this gadget.

Blackberry Z10. (Picture
Many wondered how models and specifications. On late last year there were this gadget's photos that leaked to the public, named Blackberry Z10 and Blackberry 10 L-Series that looks not much different from the iPhone 5.

Based on information reported by, BlackBerry Z10 will be equipped with 4.2-inch screen with a resolution of 1,280 x 768 and 356 PPI of pixel density. The gadget is also powered by two cameras (8MP rear camera with 1080p video recording and a 2MP front camera).

Another features of BlackBerry Z10 such as 1GB of RAM, 16GB of internal memory, and the micro-SD memory card slot. For connectivity, this smartphone equiped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. There are installed GPS, NFC, and a micro HDMI out to enjoy the movie on a larger screen.

iPhone 5S
Not yet exhausted iPhone 5 euphoria, Apple will have sped up the release iPhone 5S on the first quarter of 2013, probably around May. 

Apple iPhone 5S-Concept. (Picture
From Topeka Capital Markets analyst, Brian White, the new series of iPhone 5 will become a mainstay from Apple to raise its shares value on the stock market.

"The new iPhone provide more choice to consumers. Selections that include color and size of the screen (possibly called the iPhone 5S) that we believe, it will be released in May or June, and which began production April," White said.

Some sources claim the latest Apple products are made from the repair results of previous products that are already popular, this is due to the assembly in the relatively low quality that is done by their old subscriptions vendors from China, Foxconn.

Playstation 4
In this year despite uncertain, Playstation 4 is rumored to be present as well. But yet nothing, no less pleasant news for Sony to register patents that enable new game console will be playable only on one console.

Sony Playstation 4-concept. (Picture
In other words, the Playstation 4 owner will no longer be possible to sell their old game disc to another owner. This occurs due to the use of new technology in the Playstation 4's game disk called RFID ID.

This technology will be able to remember the console that was first played as a console that has a right to play. When the game disk is running on the other console of Playstation 4, the game disc that has RFID ID  technology will refuse to run it, as reported by the Guru 3D on Sunday, January 6, 2013. We'll wait for the truth.

With no tirelessly to spread the news, Apple is reportedly currently developing sophisticated watches titled iWatch the futuristic watches, as an iPhone companion. In fact, it is not impossible in the future, this gadget will actually completely replace the iPhone.

As reported by Forbes, Gene Munster, technology markets analyst at Piper Jaffray, states, about ten years future, the gadget that could be use in the hand will eventually replace the iPhone in particular and in general smartrphone.

The concept of Apple iWatch. (Picture
Apple is also rumored will launch the iWatch on this year. To that end, Apple is working with the world's largest chip company, Intel. About the display of 1.5 inch PMOLED screen is made by RiTDisplay with ITO-coated glass. This gadget will have the iOS operating system such as the variants of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

From concept design this sophisticated clock would look like the 6th generation iPod Nano that includes a music player and video. There are also features voice assistant Siri on this gadget.

Finally, Are all these gadgets will be realized this year? There is not important we know. The important thing we always wise, that only buy what we need, not because we want to, let alone just went along!  *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MUHAMMAD SUFYAN | ILHAM SANTOSO | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 10012013]
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