Saturday, December 8, 2012

When was the first time SMS used?

Short message service (SMS) yesterday exactly 20 years old. On December 3, 1992, a British programmer sends a message to his colleagues used a technique now known as SMS.

Neil Papwoth the first
person to send SMS (Picture
Neil Papworth, engineer at Sema Group, typing the message said "Merry Chistmas." on a computer and sends it to his friend cell phone on Vodafone, Richard Jarvis, "The idea was SMS be a smart way for employees to send each other messages," he said. 

There was a gap of eight years from when SMS was first envisaged by Finnish civil servant Matti Makkonen at a telecommunication conference in 1984 to the first actual SMS being sent outside laboratory conditions.

Matti Makkonen, Texting
SMS pioneer.
The first commercial SMS services started in 1993 in Sweden, followed by US and UK in the same year. In 1994, Nokia announced the Nokia 2110, which the Finnish company claims to be its first SMS-enabled GSM phone but its predecessor the Nokia 1011 could also send and receive SMS messages.

At that time, the finding is fine. Only about seven years later became so developed SMS among mobile users. Today, there are about 8 trillion SMS messages sent over the past year via phone or computer to mobile phones.

According to one study, mobile users aged 18-25 years on average to send 133 SMS per week. Short messaging is so developed to attract advertisers. Later, stormed mobile advertising to market their products disturbing. Advertising as it's called spam. Recently authorities in Britain fined two people with 440 thousand pounds (or approx Rp 6.8 billion) because sending spam SMS.

SMS is also used for voting in the race on television, check delivery, arrival time until the commercial aviation aircraft. According to Acision, the company that conducted the survey, SMS is still the most popular services than e-mail or send a message through social networking. *** [IBN LIVE | EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BUDI RIZA | KORAN TEMPO 4074]
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