Monday, December 10, 2012

Thin Man More Attractive to Women Than Macho Man?

Macho features (such as strong jaws and sharp eyes) have been considered as criteria in selecting men for women who look for a life partner. However, recent research shows that a slim waist is an attraction factor turned out to be stronger than the macho figure.

Macho features always associated with high testosterone levels, according to the hypothesis of defective immuno competence. This theory states that high levels of masculine hormones actually interfere with the immune system of men. Therefore, the macho men to be extra fit to prevent the arrival of illness or disability.

Although women are more like the face and body of a man with a high level of immunity, it seems they are considering weight loss than the shape of the jaw and piercing eyes. "Weight loss became clear instructions about health and immunity of a man," said Vinet Coetzee from Pretoria University in South Africa, Thursday, November 29, 2012.

Coetzee said that masculinity is not the most appealing factor for all women. Macho features is not consistent with good physical health. As with weight loss, which is consistently related to health and immune system function.

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a man who is too fat or thin tend to have health problems and poor immune function. In the study, Coetzee were photographed 69 volunteers of Caucasian men. He also measured the levels of fat and the testosterone. As many as 65 percent of the volunteers had normal weight, 4 percent underweight, and 30.4 percent are overweight or obese.

Then, 29 women (who have reached the fertile period of their menstrual cycle) asked to rate the attractiveness of men from each photo. As a result, chubby-faced man was seen to have poor immune systems as well as less attractive to fertile women. Statistical analysis also showed masculinity is not associated with an immune response or body and facial attractiveness. This contradicts the theory of immuno competence defect. *** [LIVESCIENCE | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 4073]
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