Saturday, December 29, 2012

Advance Contact Lenses Allows to Display Image Wirelessly

The scientists in Belgium is currently developing a new technology that allows information such as SMS from mobile phones can be projected onto the lenses used in the eye. At Ghent University, precisely at the center of micro system technology, developed convex LCD screen that can be embedded in a contact lens.

Display is projected content such as images or text using wireless technology. "We have created a basic technology, which we can begin to apply it to real applications. This will be completed in a few years," says Professor Herbert De Smet.

Previously there have been similar findings. However, contact lenses "magic" that was developed first are simple. Resolution of the resulting image is still in a small number of pixels is often a problem when projecting images.
The research could lead to contact lenses which superimpose an image onto the wearer's normal view . (Picture from:
The latest development allows the entire surface of the contact lens may be used. "This is not science fiction. For specific applications, it will be interesting to display images such as street or projections SMS messages from mobile phones directly before our eyes," said Jelle De Smet.

Jelle De Smet, who is the chief researcher on the project, believes that within a timeframe of five years, commercial applications of the lenses would be available.”This is not science fiction. This will never replace the cinema screen for films,” he said.

"But for specific applications it may be interesting to show images such as road directions or projecting text messages from our smart phones straight to our eye," De Smet added. A perfection of the technology could result in “fully pixelated contact lens displays”, which can have the same detailing as a TV.
As reported by the Gizmag, this lens can also be used for medical purposes. For example, controlling the transmission of light through the retina of the eye to replace the damaged iris. For beauty, this lens can be modified so that the color can change. Users can change the color according to the mood while wearing them. *** [GIZMAG | EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | RIF | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 20122012]
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