Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why is the Bottom of the Bottle Broken if the Top is Pressed?

Some performances demonstrated someone was hitting the top of a glass bottle filled with water. Shortly thereafter, the bottom broke so water squirt bottle. It's not magic, especially magic. Physicists find answers.

Just a slap on its top and the bottom
 drops out of a filled glass bottle.
(Picture from:
They recorded the process with high-speed video either before, during or after the bottle broke. The video image was shown that hitting the top of the bottle will not immediately destroy the bottom.

Powerful punch that makes the bottle is accelerating downward. The fluid that meets the bottle turned out to be more responsive to the pressure earlier. Because jerked, liquid that settles at the bottom of the bottle is first moved to form bubbles. As for the other new moves remaining liquid fraction of a second later.

While the acceleration experienced by the bottle is quite large, which decreases the pressure will cause the water in the bottom of the bottle turned into a bubble. This process is called cavitation. "We often see the cavitation bubbles in a propeller in the water, which is usually caused by. Speeds higher than that of the fluid shearing blades," said researcher Tadd Truscott, fluid dynamics experts from Brigham Young University in Prove, Utah, yesterday.
After a quick hit with a bottle, the pressure at the bottom of the bottle back to normal soon. Thus, the bubble will disappear. The absence of bubbles had lasted 10 times Faster than at the beginning of the formation. Reaction that causes the bottom of the bottle cracked. The researchers call sejai theory bubble burst. "These findings may help explain some aspects of the damage caused by the shipping industry," said Truscott. They can also help designers glass bottles make the product better. *** [LIVESCIENCE | ISMI WAHID | KORAN TEMPO 4047]
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