Friday, November 23, 2012

Early Warning of Heart Attack System

Harland Firman Agus attach the black mouse-shaped device in his chest. Then the binder that lie on either side he fastened to the body. Because hidden in his clothes, cardiac monitoring tool named Zephyr HxM it will not attract the attention of others.

To activate this tool, no need for complicated procedures. First, Harland open the application Aorta Life installed on smart mobile phones. The application is connected via bluetooth to Zephyr HxM transmission with a range of 10 meters. His right index finger and touched the start option. That's when the device started working. Then on the screen appears in the form of digital indicator and green rows of yellow lines. After that, Harland doing push-ups and light exercise.

Zephyr HxM, cardiac monitoring tool.
 (Picture from:
This tool could monitor the heart condition since Zephyr provide instantaneous feedback. On the screen, at the bottom of a digital indicator, will show a line graph and a data recording facility. If the heart is in good condition, the word "good" in the line of digital indicators. Instead, "bad" word appears if heart problems.

In detail, the condition of the heart will be seen in the upper right corner of the phone screen. There was a small column contains a number that indicates the frequency of the user's heartbeat. When Harland using this tool, the listed number 101. After he did push-ups and calisthenics for a few seconds, the digital indicator lines and colors on the screen change rapidly. The numbers also had risen to 141. In healthy adults, the normal heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute.

Harland, informatics engineering graduate in 2012 from Telkom Institute of Technology, Bandung, capable of displaying technological innovation is with his friends, namely Evan David Kristian and Emille Junior. The software and an early warning system about the condition of people's heart technology was awarded by the Government of West Java Province and taking third place in event #Ngandroid Funkey in Bandung Digital Valley in September, 2012.

"The idea for the application came from news of a soccer player who died suddenly on the ground, allegedly due to a heart attack," said Harland to Tempo at Telkom Institute of Technology campus, the end of October, 2012.

Innovations they offer rather than on technology imported tool worth Rp. 2 million (or U.S. $209) per package, but on the Aorta Life software. Overall, this software can be compared with an Electrocardiography (ECG). The difference is, while the ECG are only in physician's examination room, while Aorta Life can get into users pocket.

Heart rate data that was sent from the device running real time with a thin second pause. Harland admitted this early versions were still simple. Since then, he has not been off to the public even though they had put a price of U.S. $ 2 to download the Android-based: Aorta Life application. "Now we are developing a second version, for the Windows Mobile operating system, in order to participate the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2013 competition." Harlad said, so far this application has been tested to some colleagues, competition judges, doctors, and technicians. "There's no complaints," he said.

To make the cheaper heartbeat detection devices, he admitted still having trouble, though the database can be retrieved from the medical books. They prefer to research and develop software. In the latest version of the application, the team which is now named Newbee.Corp will be using more sophisticated and complete, imported detection equipment worth Rp. 7 million (or U.S. $730). Later, users can not only determine the condition of the heart, but also velocity, blood pressure, and position. "In a serious condition, the application will find the nearest person and connect to their relatives in order to get help," he said.

Their supervisor who is also a doctor from Bandung Islamic University, Tauhid Nur Azhar, said the Aorta Life is safe because there are authentication systems. Features circumference aid also called health social networking applications in the world. "Very innovative and important for physicians and patients," he said.
Early warning of heart attack system. (Picture from: TEMPO 4053)
For the elderly people with heart disease who live alone in the house, cardiac monitoring tool named Zephyr HxM very important for family and relatives. Families who live in far away places or personal physician can monitor it through the Internet. "So if something happens to the heart, others can provide help quickly," he said.

Observer coverage not only in radius kilometers, but could interstate. How, users simply open the website, sign up and you'll got full information, included how and where you can getting this software. After logging in, users can monitor heart rate other people who have opted in circumference aid.

Circumference aid is aid wearer via a special website in a way inviting and increase the number of observers. The amount is unlimited. The number of monitors can be added to invite others on social networking sites. Harland makes it looks like Facebook make it easier for users. So that the wearer can always be monitored, the Internet should remain lit. It should be ascertained whether or not the battery is also fully mobile so that monitoring is not interrupted suddenly.

According to Harland, the detection of the heart does not need to be worn all the time, but just on special currently. "For example, when patients feel their heart is not good," he said. Besides saving phone battery, how it saves the use of the Internet. Once the application is installed and deployed its data to the website, the monitors can alert if a patient's heart condition is problematic. Monitoring can also be prepared to face the situation if the wearer's condition worsened.

Until now, Aorta Life version 1 which allows monitoring action by calling or sending short messages. "For example, being asked to eat anything, really fast heartbeat," he said. Doctors are monitoring can be immediately delivered analysis and alerting. Monitoring can move to the location of the patient to provide relief in the event of an emergency, if necessary, while carrying an ambulance. *** [ERWIN ZACHRI | ANWAR SISWADI | KORAN TEMPO 4053]
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