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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diet For the Belly Fat

Potbelly is a symbol of prosperity. Once babble some people when met with a friend or colleague. The opinion that it is time disallowed. Therefore, a number of research proving potbelly, commonly known as central obesity is no longer a symbol of prosperity, but instead a sign of metabolic disorders. It is a disease that affects the production of energy in human cells. Those who have belly fat are more susceptible to a number of cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

"A lot of people know what it is obese or overweight, but not that central obesity is even more dangerous than usual obesity," said Nur Asiyah, clinical nutrition specialist at Pasar Rebo Hospital, Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 31, 2012. She revealed it in a seminar about obesity in the School of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java.

Central obesity is the accumulation of excess fat on the front of the body, especially the abdomen. The causes varied, such as consuming alcohol, and fatty foods, smoking, and low physical activity and low fruit and vegetable consumption. In addition it could be due to the addition of age, because of their sex, and socioeconomic status. According to Nur, central obesity is more dangerous because it has a characteristic type of subcutaneous physiology or tissue under the skin filled with fat. As a result, the fat under the skin to thicken and wrap certain organs. Organ size is still visible, but hidden by a lot of fat. As a result, there can be fatty, such as fatty liver.

In plain view, people who are obese have a central body shape like apples or pears. Apple body shape usually occurs in men, whereas in women pear. With the standards body that indicates central obesity, according to Nur no longer relevant measure waist circumference to predict the health of a person.

"Now being used is waist circumference. Because of waist size can be determined how much fat in one's body," said Nur. Wearing a waist size even more effective than using the standard body mass index and abdominal circumference. It could be two people have the same weight, but the larger waist circumference greater risk of developing a number of diseases. Citing the American Heart Association, waist size normal male maximum 102 centimeters, and while 88 centimeters for female.

Then, how to control central obesity which has already experienced by the body? In this matter, Nur still recommending dietary calorie reduction first, then other measures such as drug intervention. Consideration, central obesity occurs because the total calories in and absorbed by the body is not balanced by the calories used or burned, especially in foods containing carbohydrates simplex (quickly absorbed by the body).

"Recommendation less carbohydrates from 500 to 1,000 calories per day," said Nur. After a calorie reduced, usually within a week weight can be decreased half to one kilogram. Not just weight loss, waist circumference was reduced to a few inches. "So in a month at least, can go down as well as two to four kilos," said Nur.

Ab Exercises. (Picture from: http://www.bricho.cz/)
Sports nutritionist who is also administrator of health website www.duniafitness.com, Denny Santoso, confirms a good diet for people with central obesity is not a hunger diet, but the diet is done when the body is signaling or metabolic processes. "Do not eat like a cat, morning no breakfast, no evening meal, hunger continues," Denny said in the same seminar.

According to him, if the body is losing sensitivity or metabolic signals, it gets more dangerous. Therefore, every effort is made to be read diet as the body no time to eat or no food. As a result, the body will release certain hormones that can slow down your metabolism. "Hunger is actually the body's signal that goes on the metabolism," says Denny.

Remember, Denny continued, although hunger is a signal that is part of the body metabolism, eliminate hunger must not overeat. Principles of a good diet is to eat six times, the main meal three times and interspersed of them with snacks like fruit. "For example, the food intake is limited to 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day, calories are then divided by six," said Denny. *** [CHETA NILAWATY | KORAN TEMPO 4055]
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