Monday, November 12, 2012

Diabetes Melitus Overview

According to Medical News, a health site on the internet that diabetes term coined by Aretaeus of Cappadocia. The term is derived from the Greek word, which diabalnein, which means walking or standing with feets apart. It said at that time, while standing diabetics often stands with their legs apart. From this it is said the origin of the use of the word as a name for the disease diabetes which involves the disposal of excess urine.

Main symptoms of Diabetes.
(Picture from:
And the word that diabetes first recorded in English literature is in the form diabete, ie, in a medical text written around the year 1425. Then, in 1675, Thomas Willis added the word mellitus, which is derived from Latin, meaning honey, a reference to the sweet taste of urine. The sweet taste is known as after saw urine of the ancient Greeks, China, Egypt, India, and Persia which is preferably by ants.

In 1776, Matthew Dobson confirmed that the sweet taste was caused by excess sugar in the urine and blood of people with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus has become a sort of death penalty in ancient times. Hippocrates chose not to mention the disease, which may indicate that he felt the disease was incurable. Aretaeus did not try to treat it, but can not give a good prognosis. He just commented that life (with diabetes) is short, disgusting and painful.

The three main types of diabetes include:
  • Type 1 Diabetes – is usually diagnosed in children, teens and young adults. In this form of diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Daily injections of insulin are required.
  • Type 2 Diabetes – this is the most common cause of diabetes and is usually diagnosed in adults although more and more children are being diagnosed with this disease.
  • Gestational Diabetes – this refers to high blood sugar levels during pregnancy in individuals that do not normally have diabetes.
There are many symptoms associated with high blood sugar levels including: blurry vision, thirst, frequent urination, hunger and/or weight loss. 
Glucose regulation. (Picture from:
If described, still a very long history of diabetes. Clearly, the descendants of those who had a history of diabetes, a potentially inherited disease. And generally, the symptoms are detected over the age of 40. But that does not mean those who do not have a history of this disease would ancestry. And it does not mean also people who are young will never be affected by this disease. Therefore, recently many such cases have been found.

In addition to genetic factors, that cause the emergence of this disease is a change in lifestyle, bad eating habits, changes in body composition, presence of comorbidities, age, and use of drugs are carried out routinely. So, how to cope with symptoms and disease? Or prevent the emergence of this disease?

It is vital to your health and well-being to regularly check your blood sugar levels. Additionally, regularly visiting your doctor will help to maintain your blood sugar levels in the normal range and protect you from potentially life-threatening diabetic complications. 

Certainly a lot of ways you can do. One right way to eat soy. Research shows, soy protein rich in arginine and glycine. Both of these amino acids and is a constituent of insulin and glukogen that secreted by the pancreas. Thus, higher soy intake, secretion of insulin and glukogen in the body increased and glucose levels reduced so as partially converted into energy.

Today many powdered soy products that have measurable levels of isoflavones, so it is not the same as soy milk produced in the household in general. And is supported by a growing awareness of the public began to switch to vegetable material like this in the maintenance of health, as a replacement for drinking coffee or tea in the morning. So this practice needs to be replicated and disseminated to all levels of society. *** [MEDICAL NEWS | SCIENCE IN SCHOOL | BEL MARRA HEALTH | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 25102012]
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