Friday, November 9, 2012

China Successfully Tests Their 2nd Stealth Fighter

China successfully tested their 2nd stealth fighter in late October. Advanced fighter aircraft is an upgraded version of the J-20, China's first generation of stealth aircraft being tested in early 2011.

This success makes Chine as the second country after the United States successfully developed two fighters that have stealth capabilities. J-31 (Jianjiji-31) fighter aircraft, rumored to be nicknamed "Gyrfalcon" (鹘鹰) or Falcon Eagle in Chinese is a twin-engine, mid-size Fifth-generation jet fighter, perform its first flight at 10:32 am Beijing time, accompanied two Shenyang J-11Bs fighter jet.
China has test flown a second model of a prototype stealth fighter, aviation experts said Thursday, in a sign of its aircraft industry's growing sophistication. (Picture from:
This Second China stealth fighter has conducted the first flight test from Shenyang Aircraft Corp runway in Liaoning Province, according to state media Global Times. It is the latest development of the country's efforts to modernize its military. This advanced fighter were developed and manufactured by the Shenyang Aircraft Corp.
J-31 China's stealth fighter. (Picture from:
J-31 stealth fighter to be introduced China's second in less than two years, flew for 11 minutes on Wednesday morning (October 31, 2012), according to state media Global Times said, citing an eyewitness. A number of online photo distributed by China's military shows the figure of the black-painted aircraft in flight. The first photos of this plane leaked last month in the online media.
J-31 The Second Chinese Stealth Fighter Jet. (Picture from:
The one prototype seen so far is a conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) aircraft like the J-20 and the Lockheed F-35A. However, computer-generated renditions of the aircraft have emerged in defense circles hinting at the possibility of a carrier-based variant, pointing to a role for the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). Analysts have also advanced the possibility that the J-31, under the designation F-60, could be intended as an export fighter to compete against the F-35.

As with the J-20 and other domestic aircraft programs, the main question remains which type of engine — the main technical bottleneck for Chinese engineers — will be used on the J-31. One option, according to some analysts cited at China Defense, could be the Progress-Ivchenko Al-222-95F, a 9.5-tonne turbofan thrust engine, which Ukraine has reportedly offered to co-produce with China.

According to Huffingtonpost, J-20 and J-31 will complement the future of China as one of the major countries in the world. This aircraft will complement the expected presence of Chinese carriers. Because the Chinese aircraft carrier requires advanced carrier aircraft designed specifically for operations at sea.

Previously, the success of China made stealth fighter aircraft that has striking similarities to the American stealth jet, is accused of copying the stealth technology of US-made aircraft F-117 that crashed in Serbia in 1999. It's long been suspected, obtain China aviation technology from certain countries to steal aviation design, including stealing technology from the United States or Russia. Moreover, China was able to build the plane and started testing in quick time. Though Chinese officials initially said that they had a new jet will be appearing at the beginning of 2017.
Chengdu J-20. (Picture from:
China introduced its first stealth fighter, J-20, in early 2011, while the country's first aircraft carrier began operations in October and other planes capable as the J-31 will follow. "J-31 is almost certainly designed to operate on aircraft carriers," the Global Times said, citing an expert on China's military. China says their military spending over 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2012. *** [FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | EKA | HUFFINGTONPOST]
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