Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Anti-Theft Alarm for iPhone

The owners of the iPhone is certainly a little more worried if their expensive gadgets was stolen. Well, Apple has now patented anti-theft mechanism that will sound an alarm if the smartphone is stolen.

Explanations related technology patents filed with the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States last week (11/11) revealed that the anti-theft system that Apple works by detecting motion patterns of smartphones.

The title of the patent is "Acceleration-based theft detection system for portable electronic devices" or based theft detection system motion speed ​​for portable electronic devices. According to sources in the patent office, the alarm will be active once the smartphone is concerned detected a "condition of theft". These conditions are determined by the built-in accelerometer, combined with software that will decide whether a condition fit the "profile characteristic of theft" or not. Of explanation, imagine that the iPhone will be equipped with this technology "scream" when taken from their owners by violence, such mugged.
Apple is looking for a patent on a automatic alarm for the Apple iPhone. (Picture from:
Accelerometer itself used to detect how users holding his smartphone, so it can be used to detect join other matters related to the movement of the phone. Why did Apple feel necessary to patent this technology? The reason, according to Apple, is that miniaturization electronic device trend. "Rightful owners become increasingly easier to bring the device to all places, as well as thieves," wrote Apple in patent filings.

"An acceleration sensor detects the acceleration of a portable electronic device, and a controller analyzes this acceleration to determine whether a theft condition is present," Apple explains in its patent application. "If so, an alarm can be initiated. The theft prevention system can include a filter for attenuating irrelevant acceleration frequencies and isolating those representative of theft, and comparison hardware/software for determining whether the detected acceleration matches a known acceleration profile characteristic of theft. Various parameters of the theft prevention system can also be set by a user through mechanisms such as a graphical user interface."

In order to prevent or reduce false alarms, the security mechanism would filter out acceleration signals corresponding to shock or impact, which would occur if you drop your device. There's a special signal filter and theft detection circuitry to address false alarms. If a possible theft is detected, the user has a set amount of time to enter an alphanumeric passcode before the alarm sounds and/or the user is locked out of the device.

In the last two weeks, Apple has been granted the rights to at least 34 patents, including 3D video applications on mobile devices, how to play the content on the Apple TV, and the background changes to Apple's iChat video conferencing applications. However, a patent will not necessarily be realized in the finished product. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TRIBUN JABAR 18112012]
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