Friday, October 12, 2012

Where is the Intelligence Gene Hiding?

Numerous studies cite intelligence is an inherited trait. So, like most other properties, intelligence derived from parents. However, a recent study conducted psychological scientist Christopher Chabris reveal surprising facts.

He found that the majority of specific genes, which has long been thought to be associated with intelligence, may not affect IQ (intelligence quotient) someone. These findings researchers closer to the discovery of specific genes that are in charge of determining intelligence.

Chabris and David Laibson, an economist at Harvard University, USA, led a team of researchers to analyze dozens of genes. They use various tools, including intelligence testing devices and genetic data.

In almost every case, the researchers found that intelligence could not be linked to specific genes tested. "We just found a gene believed to be related to intelligence," says Chabris, Tuesday, October 2, 2012. "It was a very small impact."

They published the findings online in the journal Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The result does not mean that intelligence has no genetic component. Only, said Chabris, discovered the presence of specific genes or genetic variants that influence differences in intelligence is extremely difficult.

According to Chabris, a number of previous studies have never managed to find intelligence genes. "Technological limitations preclude researchers investigated several locations in the human genome to find genes that determine intelligence," he said, as quoted

Departing from the condition that, Chabris said additional research is needed to find the genes that play a role determining one's intelligence. There may be other genetic effects beyond the effects of a single gene that also influential. *** [PHYS.ORG | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 4014]
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