Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy 'Frankenstorm' Horrific Horror at the Full Moon

Dozens of nurses and medics at Tisch Hospital, New York University, leads the patient out of the room. About 200 patients, including 20 babies in the intensive care section, had left the hospital after power and backup generators malfunction.

New York City government is deliberately cut the power. The subway and other public transportation are also stopped. The move was made to face the brunt of hurricanes Sandy. This storm paralyzed the city where the headquarters of the United Nations is.

Sandy brought intense winds resulted in the overflow of sea water to the City of New York. Region Lower Manhattan like a ghost town as most of the floods. "I do not exaggerate. Seawater invaded Brooklyn Battery Tunnel," said Howard Glaser, Director of Operations of the Government of New York, yesterday. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel is a tunnel connecting Manhattan to Long Island.
Sea water floods the entrance to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on Oct. 29 in New York. (Picture from:
The storm that originated from the Caribbean last week it became a scary monster. In the Caribbean, Sandy's super-storm killed 60 peoples. Hurricane is then moved to the north and hit ​​1,290 km2 the coastal area of United States, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes in the Mid-West.

About 60 million people felt the impact of this storm. U.S. Government. request hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. A number of states in U.S. have declared a state of emergency, such as Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, and parts of North Carolina.
At least 7.3 million homes and businesses on the US East Coast were without power on Tuesday after Hurricane Sandy tore down power lines, flooded networks and sparked an explosion at a Consolidated Edison substation on Manhattan's East River. (Picture from:
When it hit the eastern coastal region yesterday, Sandy brought winds of 129 km per hour and have killed 13 peoples. High winds and flooding predicted to threaten the next two days, as the storm moves into Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and the State of New York.

U.S. National Weather Service to issue information that is classified as a Category 1 storm and is considered to be weaker storm with a speed of 118-152 km per hour. But according to Chris Davis, scientist with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, a category 1 storm should not be underestimated.

According to Davis, these storms are also capable of causing loss of life and property damage. The problem, he said, hurricanes, tropical storms Sandy is unusual. At least for the northeastern United States. First, he said, the storm has changed from a tropical cyclone into an extra-tropical cyclone. Usually, extra-tropical cyclones and other cyclones was bigger and stronger than tropical one. The second reason, "Sandy size is huge and unprecedented," said Davis.

Sandy has been a hurricane in which the hardness of the strong turbulence is at a radius of 280 kilometers from the center. While the impact of a weaker hurricane, according to data from the National Hurricane Center (NHC), located in the area of ​​780 kilometers.

The power and impact of this storm was second after the hurricane Olga, which occurred in 2001. When the impact of the weaker whirlwind of Olga are in the area 965 kilometers.

NASA's Terra satellite captured this  
image of Hurricane Sandy at 12 PM    
Eastern on Oct. 28, 2012.  (Picture
National Hurricane Center explains, the power of Sandy makes a lot of areas along the coast, and Virginia to Massachusetts, will be exposed to strong whirlwinds for 36 hours or more.  "The series will be high and dangerous waves accompanied the full moon," NASA spokesman Rob Gutro, on Sunday October 28, 2012.

Indeed, the National Hurricane Center noted that dangerous combination of storms and tides will cause the normally dry area near the coast will be flooded with water up. At full moon, high tides on the earth will rise about 20 percent higher than usual.

In Long Island Sound and New York Harbor, waves reached a height of 1.8 meters to 3.3 meters. High tides during a full moon occur due to the sun, earth and moon are parallel, in which our planet is in the middle. Cosmic arrangement allows the gravitational pull of the sun and moon to reinforce one another, creating powerful waves on earth.

The uniqueness of the third, Davis said, is the location and time. Sandy is the origin of storm waves and tropical weather disturbances in the Caribbean on October 19, 2012. Three days later, a tropical cyclone is formed followed by the formation of eye of the storm.

Sandy then move around the Caribbean with a speed of 216 km per hour. Then towards the east coast of the United States with the speed decreasing. On Monday, October 29, 2012, Sandy stayed velocity 75 km per hour and had reportedly climbed to 85 km per hour in the evening.

But Sandy size increase due to the increasing number of warm air being taken. This is resulting in increased speed. Arriving in the United States, Sandy joined by winter storms from the west coast to the east and the cold winds from Canada. Combined three storm systems that form the so-called "Frankenstorm".

"Sandy became an unusual storm because of the meeting with extratropical cyclones at the right time," said David Nolan, a professor of meteorology and oceanography at Riosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.

Nolan said that in many cases, two winter storms from the tropical storm could weaken the system and at the same time pushing it out to sea. Two storm could form the storm itself although not as strong as a tropical storm.

Nolan explained in the case of a storm Sandy, there are two things that are unusual. First off, the track. Hurricane Sandy not lead to sea after a meeting with two other storms, but rather leads to the mainland.

Second, the core or the eye of the storm remained solid despite Sandy had met with two other cold storms. With this process, Frankenstorm then made up the core of the hurricane Sandy wrapped by two other storm systems were later joined.

Sandy is the 18th storm that occurred in 2012. Hurricane was previously named include Alberto, Beryl, and Chris. After Sandy, came to the 19th hurricane named Tony. But Sandy became remarkable hurricanes because this storm came at the right time to take advantage over the two winter storms, Nolan continued. *** [LIVESCIENCE | OURAMAZINGPLANET | CNN | UNTUNG WIDYANTO | KORAN TEMPO 4041]
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