Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Orange Juice Makes Beautiful?

Want to look beautiful? No need expensive and luxurious treatments. Drink a glass of orange juice every day. This method can improve the health of skin, hair, and nails. As reported by the Times of India pages, last Thursday, the benefit is obtained because oranges contain vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid.

Vitamin C is an essential substance in producing collagen along with other nutrients, lutein. Yellow pigment contained in oranges also associated with a decrease in the induction of skin damage caused by sunlight. This pigment is also believed to improve skin elasticity.

A glass of orange juice contains 200 milliliter contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of nutrition experts. "The saying you are what you eat is not new, but science has lagged in estimating the effect of nutrition on skin, hair, and nails," says nutrition expert Amanda Ursell.

The suggestion is in line with the results of research conducted on 200 workers who are members of the beauty industry in the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) recently. As many as 65 percent of their recommended clients to consume a glass of orange juice every day as part of a regular beauty treatments.

Other benefits of orange juice is good for our bodies. Orange juice has vitamin C and vitamin C can help cure some diseases such as canker sores, chapped lips, and heat the orange juice can also be consumed for you people who want to lose weight or maintain your weight remains stable.

Orange juice can be taken at breakfast and can also be drunk chilled with ice, chilled orange juice can relieve fatigue after a day of work. For those of you who have diabetes or who are required to reduce the disease do not worry because here you can meet unsweetened orange juice or orange juice with low calories sugar. *** [AMIRULLAH | KORAN TEMPO 4034]
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