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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Castrated Men Live Longer?

Gyeonbok Palace built 1394, served as   
the palace of the monarchs of Korea's 
Chosun dynasty. (Picture from:  
Not many men are willing to live longer through this strategy. However research of Korean scientists proving that eunuchs or castrated maid men are live longer than men who did not.

The findings are based on the study of the history of Korean eunuchs, men testicles removed to obtain a high position in the hierarchy of the castle. They can far exceed the age of the man who was castrated by up to 20 years. The study results were published in the journal Current Biology on September 25, 2012 edition.

A eunuch carrying a weapon keeps an 
eye on a harem in Tunis, Tunisia, 
1931. New research on Korean court 
eunuchs suggests these castrated 
men may get a lifespan boost. 
(Picture from: http://www.sott.net/)
In the animal world, castration tends to extend the age range, possibly due to the male sex hormones are not good for health. Testosterone is known to suppress the immune system, it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, in humans the results are varied. A study of patients in a psychiatric hospital discovered that castration can make a person live longer. In contrast, studies on male singers showed no difference in age ranges.

Some researchers theorize that the effects of testosterone may be the reason why women on average live longer than men. Other research filed genetic reasons.

In the new study of researchers Kyung-Jin Min and colleagues from Inha University traced the Chosun dynasty (Joseon) historical record in Korea, which came to power in 1392 - 1910. Until 1894, castration is a way for men who want to gain political power and prestige in the dynasty.

The age range of the palace eunuchs average about 70 years. That means 14 to 19 years longer than the average age was neutered male, between 50 and 55 years old. "These findings add an important clue to understanding why there is a difference between the age range of men and women," said Kyung-Jin Min. *** [LIVESCIENCE | TJANDRA | KORAN TEMPO 4007]
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