Friday, September 7, 2012

Women and Men Differ About the Color

Often a wife complaining about the color of her husband clothes. "Want to party wear white anyway." Or, "Let's wear blue shirts for the campers, not the green." Apparently, the difference is not about the relationship of husband and wife, but gender.

The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors. In the brain there are high concentrations of male sex hormone (androgen) receptors throughout cerebral cortex, especially in the visual cortex which is responsible for processing images. Androgens are also responsible for controlling the development of neurons in the visual cortex during embryogenesis, meaning that males have 25% more of these neurons than females. The finding is the conclusion of research conducted by researchers from Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges of the City University of New York.

Based on research that found gender effect on the way to see the color. Male and female brains process color in a way that is not the same. Many things prove it. Oranges, for example, would appear more red in the eyes of men than women. Similarly grass, will look more yellow and more green for men for women. The differences do not end there. Experiment research team also showed that men struggle to distinguish the color difference is thin in shades of yellow, green, and blue.

"The impact may be very small. But, choosing paint colors from dozens of color charts is the most suitable for women," the researchers said as quoted Dailymail, Tuesday (September 4, 2012).

The findings come from experiments that examined male and female brains respond to flashes of light. Each respondent was asked to identify the color. As a result, all respondents had normal vision and no color blindness, a trait that is often found in men.

"The difference in perspective between the male and female color can not be explained by differences in the structure of the eye," says Professor Israel Abramov. The answer lies in the way the brain processes color.

Abramov said the testosterone (male sex hormone) tend to affect the eyes of the admissions process and the introduction of color information by the brain. "Testosterone plays a major role, leading to different connectivity in the brains of men and women," he said. *** [DAILYMAIL | ESCIENCE NEWS | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3987]
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