Sunday, September 23, 2012

Windows Phone 8 From HTC

High Tech Company, Taiwanese mobile phone vendor with the trademark HTC, launched two new mobile phones based on Windows Phone operating system on September 19, 2012. Both of these phones are Windows Phone 8X and Windows Phone 8S.

Chief Executive Officer of HTC, Peter Chou, said his company has experienced makes phones based on Windows Phone. "We also sell most phones of this type," he said at the launch.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and HTC CEO Peter Chou took the stage on September 19, 2012 in New York to debut the slick HTC new devices. (Picture from:
The CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, who attended the launch, said, "Windows Phone 8 is the most personal experience that can be given a cell phone."

The phone has an icon boxes that can be changed in size. Body unibody phone is designed to blend and no bulge, which interfere with the grip during the call.

HTC Windows Phone 8X.
The surface of the glass comes from Gorilla Glass. Camera phones with a camera 8X contained on HTC One X, which is a flagship phone. The camera has a resolution of 2.1 megapixel front-quality 1,080 high-definition video.

For audio, use Beats Audio, which was a first for a mobile phone based on Windows Phone. Both phones will be available in stores in November and can serve the communication on the network in more than 150 telecommunications companies.

HTC Windows Phone 8S.
Both phones have a thickness of 10.3 millimeters, which makes phones based on Windows Phone thinnest at this time. The size is 120.5 x 63 millimeters, which makes it comfortable in the hand.

At first glance, this phone like the Nokia flagship phones based on Window Phone, the Lumia 920 and 820, which was launched two weeks ago. This makes Chris Weber, Head of Marketing Nokia, quips via chirp on Twitter.

"It takes more than just a color in common to be able to outperform the Lumia 920," said Weber. According to him, Nokia is a company at the forefront of innovation and sales of smart phones with features PureView, location and navigation, music, and charging wirelessly. *** [TECHRADAR | BUDI RIZA | KORAN TEMPO 4003]
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