Has not this blog does not display info about the gadget. On this occasion I try to display info derived from uniknya.com site.
Now iPhone is more familiar to the world community, especially the young people and businessesman. Young people who love the world of multimedia, iPhone will feature a complete delight. Businessman optimize the features of his office. But, besides all that, there are several iPhone apps that are unique and strange, here's an example:
1. Fart Mobile (Farting Sound Application)
This unique application for you who like to joke with friends. This application turn your iPhone into a virtual fart machine. Thus, it can be adjusted in the menu by simply moving the iPhone alone, it would be a real fart sound.
Also included is a variety of "types" farting noise. Can be used as a tool to joke around with comrades.
2. Baby Shaker (Lull Baby Application)
Baby Shaker application is a strange and controversial because it makes the baby as a toy object. How, you have a duty to lull baby with shaking the iPhone. If fine, the baby will fall asleep. If rough, the baby will cry and appear cross sign in his eyes.
Now, Baby Shaker apps was removed just a few days after its release.
3. iResus (Virtual Medical Applications)
iResus actually not so strange, but many people are worried because of the medical process is hung entirely on the iPhone. Dr Daniel Low at Hospital Seattle, simulating the operation with a view all the instructions step by step on iResus.
Although not a doctor, you can act as a medical expert.
4. Dog Whistler (Dogs Training Application)
Dog Whistler next unique applications. It's quite popular among iPhone users who have a dog in their home.
The application is easy to operate, you simply press a whistle symbol on the phone screen so that later appeared low frequency whistle that only dogs can hear at once will train them.
5. Hold On (Challenging How Long Grasping iPhone Application)
The latter is called Hold On. The application is to test how long you can press the button right in the middle of the screen. However, on second thought, this application eliminates boredom or create boredom?
It's good you play against other people to be more exciting. *** [MUHAMMAD SUFYAN | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 30082012]
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