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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Uncle Sam's New War Machine

Drone technology for military operations has been a work plan Air Force Unmanned Aerial System Flight Plan 2009-2047. Lined up a number of defense technology company produces various types of aircraft.

There are dozens of types of Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) that belongs to the United States military and intelligence services. For example, the company General Atomics Aeronautical Systems manufactured the Predator, Reaper, and Grey Eagle.

Then a AeroVironment made Dragon Eye, Raven, Wasp and Puma. Small planes are proven to serve the mission of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). Later, AeroVironment developed a new type of unmanned aircraft systems, the Switchblade and Shrike VTOL that can be stored in a backpack which was draped in the U.S. soldier.
The Switchblade and Shrike, two of Aerovironment's drone
Two types of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) can indeed be stripped down and put in a special backpack (back-packable). 

Switchblade dimension is indeed tiny, and weighs 2.7 kilograms and 60 centimeters long. But who would have thought if he was capable of flying at 150 kilometers per hour up to a radius of 5 kilometers for 20 minutes.

How the Switchblade drone work.  
(Picture from: http://osgeoint.blogspot.com/)
To support the mission of reconnaissance, Switchblade comes with a number of advanced equipment, such as cameras, Global Positioning System device (GPS), and sensors. As for attack missions, the aircraft can be fitted with a grenade on the muzzle.

All information about the target, starting coordinates, the condition of the region, to feature the introduction of the object of attack, the soldiers would be sent back to the wireless operator.

After making sure the target through the video, the operator then sends commands to the Switchblade to arm themselves and lock the target.

This is very easy to fly. Initially, the aircraft leveled with a special launcher tube. Furthermore, he will fly using a single propeller unit in the tail which is driven by an electric motor. Far enough from the operator using the remote control and special glasses.

Switchblade launch.  
(Picture from: http://investor.avinc.com/)
Its small size and the sound of the motor as a cool make Switchblade difficult to detect, recognize, and tracked, even from a relatively close distance. The aircraft is also very flexible and allows the operator because the army can be launched from air and ground platforms.

"The unique ability Switchblade able to prevent deadlock. Speed, accuracy, and the effects caused minimal damage to the aircraft makes it an ideal weapon for the U.S. military forces in the future," said Bill Nichols, vice president of production at the project Army Close Combat Weapons Systems AeroVironment cultivated.

The first party order a Switchblade is a U.S. Army with contract worth U.S. $ 4.9 million. On March 20, 2012, there were additional funds of U.S. $ 5.1 million for other facilities.

The Air Force did not want to miss. They issued a contract worth U.S. $ 4.1 million for engineering services which include technology, operating systems, and operator training Switchblade. To work on both projects, AeroVironment in cooperation with ATK, the munition subcontractor, to design and manufacture of weapons systems.
Yes, if it already operates, Switchblade who have no eyes and hearts are ready to tear people who are considered enemies of America, no matter the surroundings there are women, children, and old peoples. *** [MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | EKA RAHMADHY | FROM VARIOUS SOURCE | KORAN TEMPO 3921]
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