Thursday, July 5, 2012

Scientists Discover New Subatomic Particle

After searching for about half a century, physicists from the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced the discovery of subatomic particles that are consistent with an elementary Higgs particle (Higgs boson). Most of the other experts called it the God particle because it is everywhere but it is hard to find.

The participants who attended the meeting held in Geneva on Wednesday July 4, 2012, welcomed the presentation of data with CERN physicists standing ovation. Many have called it a pivotal moment in the history of physics. Even some veteran physicist happy tears.

"We have reached a new milestone in the understanding of nature," said CERN Director Rolf Heuer. "We have found the elementary particles, and now we have to determine what types of particles."
Scientists in Geneva on Wednesday applauded the discovery of a subatomic particle that looks like the Higgs boson. (Picture from:
In other words, scientists are not sure whether they found the particles are the Higgs particles as described in the Standard Model, the variation of the Higgs particle, or a new subatomic particle that can force physicians to review the basic structure of matter.

How the particle was found.
(Picture from:
"It's definitely a new elementary particle and is the heaviest elementary particle ever found. Implications were significant and for that reason, we must review the entire study more carefully," said a spokesman for the laboratory that examines one particle, Joe Incandela.

Even so, Peter Higgs, the British physicist who in 1964 published a conceptual framework about the mysterious particles, expressing his happiness. "I never thought this event could occur while I am still alive. I have to ask my family to chill champagne in the fridge," he said.

Finding the Higgs particle would validate the Standard Model of particle physics, the theory that identifies the building blocks of matter and particles that make up an object. The theory was accepted despite also having a gap, including the question of why there are particles that have mass and others do not.

Proposed by Higgs and a number of other physicists, elementary particle that is believed to exist in the field of energy that are ubiquitous and invisible that is created from the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago. In theory, when the number of particles entering the Higgs, they slow down and get the masses. However, other particles, such as light, no problems. Based on the theory that, without Higgs particles, the universe will manifest themselves just like soup.

Two Laboratories
CERN uses a giant underground laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. There, the collision of protons with a velocity close to the speed of light, leaving the subatomic debris that are scrutinized. The study was very difficult because there are trillions of signals that appear between particles with different mass range.

Two CERN laboratories working independently to avoid bias research. Both found a new particle in the mass region 125-126 Gigaelektronvolts (GeV). Both said the result was five sigma, which mean 0.00006 percent chance of typical laboratory findings of both the mathematical calculations.

Previously, the U.S. physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Chicago, declared almost can prove the existence of subatomic particles Higgs. *** [AFP | REUTERS | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 05072012]
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