Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Due to Volcanic Eruptions Cooled the Earth on the 13th Century

Scientists discovered the link between the drop in temperature of the Earth on 1258 and the eruption of the volcano. The problem is, it is unknown where the erupting volcano at the time?

"We found new evidence of the perpetrator of the largest volcanic eruption in a period of 7,000 years," said Franck Lavigne, geologist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical Geography in Meudon, France, on the American Geophysical Union conference, June 14, 2012.

According to Lavigne, the eruption took place in spring or summer of 1257. This, he said, a year earlier than previously thought. Traces of sulfur eruptions seen through a thick layer of ice core samples taken from Greenland and Antarctica.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Other evidence collected through a circle of trees from various locations in the world. Researchers also found a history of various countries to decreased temperature of the earth after the eruption.
21 April 1990 eruptive column from Redoubt Volcano, as viewed to the west from the Kenai Peninsula. (Picture from:
But experts do not know where the volcano erupted. From his research, Lavigne found a match between the sulfur content in the ice core samples and the composition of rocks from the crater of a volcano.

Website ScienceNews report, the consensus of researchers at the American Geophysical Union conference on the conical mountain in Indonesia. Erik Klemetti, a volcanologist at Denison University in Ohio who was not at the meeting, speculated that the culprit might be the Rinjani volcano on the island of Lombok, which was known to have gone off in the 13th century. Lavigne would say only that Indonesia the country is encircled by the Ring of Fire has more 130 active volcanoes. Despite knowing the mysterious mountain, Lavigne refused to name. He waited for scientific work that he proposed an international journal published by.
Mount Rinjani in Indonesia may be the long-sought site of an eruption thought to have occurred around 1258 but whose location was unknown. (Picture from:
Approach through scientific computing show on the 1258 eruption of pumice catapult as high as 40 kilometers. Burst is spread as far as tens of kilometers. Eruption magnitude scale put in 7 or equivalent to the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 and only lost to the eruption of Mount Toba at 74,000 BC.*** [SCIENCENEWS | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3914]
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