Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wind Turbines Generate Drinking Water Also

French company, Eole Water, has modified the power-producing wind turbines to capture moisture and make the drinkable water. This tool is suitable for a country that has a dry season, such as Indonesia

Turbine is named WMS1000. These three blades extending up to nearly 8 meters above the posted 24-meter-high giant pillars. Behind the propeller, there is a water-purification of air tools and power plants.

A prototype wind turbine has now been standing in the middle of a barren desert near Abu Dhabi. At peak performance, this tool can take 62 liters of air per hour. "The design and capacity will grow. Turbines are projected to provide water to small towns or densely populated areas," said Director of Marketing Eole Water, Thibault Janin told CNN.

He describes the electrical energy generated by using the power of technology in general. Wind energy is converted into energy of motion of the rotor blades. 

Round the propeller is a rotating coil, thus producing an electric current. Then the electric current supplied to the user. All the equipment is placed in a giant shell diameter of about 4 meters which is located behind the propeller.

To capture the water, the company added in the refrigeration compressor shell. The air flows past the front of the sleeve into the compressor. This tool is able to catch the air that is rich in water vapor, and then blackmail him into drinking water
Funtioning principle - Eole Water. (Picture from:
Calculations so far show a turbine could produce 1,000 liters of water per day or be able to meet the needs of 2,000 to 3,000 people. This capacity depends on the level of humidity, temperature, and wind speed. 
Eole added technology to the wind turbine to help it harvest moisture as well as energy. (Picture from:
The two functions turbine are designed specifically for the countries that have a remote interest, such as in Africa and South America. An archipelago with a population of scattered small islands and arid, also can use this technology. 

"For example, Indonesia," he said. "This country has thousands of islands and could not concentrate because water reserves can not be done when viewed from the side of geography." To build this tool, will cost U.S. $ 790 thousand. Eole Water will market these wind turbines by the end of 2012. *** [CNN | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3868]
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