Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why Concerts Could Damage Hearing?

Hearing ability of about 72 percent of teens has decreased after attending loud concerts. The results presented at the meeting of the American otologic Society in Los Angeles on Monday (May 21, 2012), it also reveals that hearing loss is not permanent, but repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent impairment.
"The teens need to know that just one exposure to loud noise, either from a concert or listening to loud music can cause hearing loss," said M. Jennifer Derebery, the researchers from the House Research Institute, "repeated exposure to noise over 85 decibels can cause the delicate hair cells stop functioning and they have permanent hearing loss."

The researchers tested 29 hearing adolescents before and after the concert. The result, 72 percent of teens are experiencing hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is usually not permanent. It is called a temporary threshold shift. Ability of hearing loss is usually 16-48 hours. After that, a person's hearing ability returned to previous levels.

Before the concert, the researchers explained the importance of using hearing protection for youth. However, only three children who want to use earplugs to offer.

Three researchers come up with the youth concert. By using a sound pressure meter has been calibrated, they record the decibel noise level of 1,645 times throughout the 26 songs played during the three-hour concert.

Noise levels ranging from 82-110 decibels, with an average of 98.5 decibels. Average rate of more than 100 decibels at 10 of the 26 songs. These levels are much higher than is recommended. *** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3888]
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