Friday, April 27, 2012

Sophisticated Microscopes Can See a Virus

The incorporation of an optical microscope and a transparent microspheres were creating a new breakthrough in microscope technology. The new tool is called microsphere nanoscopes help scientists live observe the virus for the first time.
Scientists from the University of Manchester have announced the development of the world's most powerful optical microscope. (Picture from:
This new microscope capabilities beyond the limits of optical microscopy. With microsphere nanoscope, the researchers can see the object measuring about 50 nanometers, or 20 times smaller than the object that can be viewed using a standard optical microscope.
a) Microsphere superlens reflection mode imaging of a commercial Blu-ray DVD disk, and b) reflection mode imaging of a star structure made on a DVD disk. (Picture from:
During this time, the size of the smallest object that can be viewed through an optical microscope is only 1 micrometer (0.001 mm) or 1,000 nanometers. Germs generally measuring about 1,000 nanometers, while the thick strand of hair 100 thousand nanometers.
a) Microsphere superlens imaging of 360-nm-wide lines spaced 130 nm apart, and b) a gold-coated fishnet Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) sample imaged with microspheres. (Picture from:
With the tremendous capacity of the microscope, the scientists, led by Professor Lin Li and Wang Zengbo, now can observe the inside of human cells and check the live virus and determine the cause of the emergence of the virus.

The researchers who created a sophisticated microscope is derived from the School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering in Manchester, England. They work together with academics at the National University of Singapore and Data Storage Institute of Singapore.
These microspheres collect evanescent waves to formvirtual images that can be captured by a conventional lens. (Picture from:
The new system at the nanoscale imaging microscope is based on the ability of optical devices in capturing images of objects near a free virtual field of optical diffraction and strengthen it with the microspheres. "It was a world record. We believe we can only see 50 nanometer-sized objects, but also a much smaller size," said Professor Li. "In theory, no matter how small the size limits of objects that can be seen a microscope."

Actually have greater capability of optical microscopy flouresens, which can be used to see the inside of the cell, albeit indirectly through staining method. "But it can not dye the virus," said Li. *** [SCIENCE.ORG | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3862]
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