Friday, April 6, 2012

A Giant Tornado in the Sun Caught on Camera

Round of strong winds, known as the tornado was also happening in the sun. Size of the tornado in the nearest star is several times larger than the tornado on Earth.
A solar tornado. (Picture from:
The researchers observed the rotation of the giant wind by using a dynamic solar satellite observatory (SDO). Vehicle monitors is capturing the sun's solar phenomena tornado on 25 September 2011 and recorded by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly using a telescope mounted on the satellite body.

"This is the first time a giant tornado caught on camera. Tornado sun ever seen by SOHO, but not filmed," says solar researcher, Xing Li, of Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK.

Satellite data show the tornado was very hot. Gas is in it has a temperature of 50 thousand to 2 million degrees Celsius.

The air is sucked from the area called the tongues of fire, then take a spiral path to the air as high as 200 thousand kilometers. Height is reached within three hours.
At top speed, the gas inside a tornado can reach 300 thousand kilometers per hour. For comparison, the highest speed tornado on Earth only reach 150 kilometers per hour.
Continuous observation of the pattern shows the appearance of a tornado. The experts know the tornado appears in the location of the birth of the sun's solar storms.
Solar Dynamic Observatory satellite, which records this rare phenomenon, began monitoring the sun since it was launched in February 2010. These satellites orbit the earth in a circular orbit at an altitude of 36 thousand kilometers. All the changes in the sun can be monitored by scientists on Earth. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3840]
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