Monday, March 5, 2012

Photocopy Machines Started From Frustration

Nowadays we are so familiar with, copy technologies. A variety of printed documents are now so easily duplicated by machines that use the system xerography, a dry process that works with the aid of electricity or thermal energy.

Doubling method was first introduced by James Watt in 1779. But then, the Watt using specially formulated ink transfer from the original letter or a piece of the original image is soaked, then pressed into the new paper as a copy.

Chester Carlson
In 1937, a physicist from Bulgaria named Georgi Nadjakov find a theory that when an object is placed in an electric field and exposed to light, some dielectrics acquire permanent electric polarization will be in areas affected by the polarization.

The theory was later developed by Chester Carlson, a law student who works part time as a copyist of patent in one of the law firm. Feeling the frustration of slow multiplication using a stencil machine. Carlson began experimenting with creating a method of doubling the electrophotographic system that uses a zinc plate covered with sulfur. He put the object to be duplicated on it and provide light at the bottom.
Although the experiment is successful, Carlson had trouble selling this brilliant idea to several companies. The idea was rejected by even more than twenty companies until it was well received by the Haloid Corporation in 1947. Then Haloid gave Xerox trademark on this Carlson's findings. Xerox was taken from the Greek word meaning "dry writing." Because, in the process involves no chemicals liquid, unlike previous technologies. Through this technique, Chester Carlson has found a way to overhaul the repetition paradigm author of a document, which will be called the photocopying process. The technique was later patented on October 6, 1942. *** [AK | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 01032012]
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