Sunday, March 25, 2012

Baby's Brain was the Inspiration for the Smart Computer

Scientists are studying the limits of the baby's brain as well as children, and uses the proceeds to create a more computer savvy. "They are the greatest learning machine in the universe," says Alison Gopnik, developmental psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley, USA.
Brains of babies born in a healthy state of supply contains about 100 billion brain cells (neurons). Along with the development, the baby's brain cells grow to form an extensive network, about 15 thousand synapses at age 2 or 3 years, allowing them to learn the language and social skills, thinking about how to survive and thrive in the environment. The adults tend to be more focused on the goal in sight than the wild imagination in children.

The scientists saw a unique blend of adult mindset that focuses on the purpose and the mindset of children who are very open ideal may be used to develop intelligent computers. "We need both. Wild imagination of children and adults planning of hardware," says Gopnik.

Gopnik and her colleagues tested the cognitive measures that are used when children solve problems in the laboratory. The mindset of the children were then turned into a blueprint into a computational model.

"Children are able to solve the problem that remains a challenge for the computer, such as learning a language and find out the cause-effect relationship," said Tom Griffiths, director of UC Berkeley's Computational Cognitive Science Lab. "We hope to create a more computer savvy to make it a little 'think' like a child."

The researchers estimate a computer with a childlike mind can interact more intelligent and responsive to humans. Intelligent technology like that can run computer programs a better teaching. *** [LIVESCIENCE | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3823]
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