This generally leads to the definition of smart ability of many functions. Example, mobile telecommunications is not only a tool, but also photo cameras, mini computers, GPS, etc. The more menu included, may be called more intelligent gadgets.
Now, in a matter of a few months into the future, intelligent television will soon greet the people of Indonesia. Mainly from two champions of information technology vendors, Apple and Google, both of which are from California, USA.
There would be never-ending rivalry when we both spoke of the largest manufacturers of gadgets today. After competing hard in the mobile phone operating system, they soon compete in the brand in the television market: Apple TV and Google TV.
What is this? Perhaps, this question is the most rapidly emerging out of our minds. The next curiosity about certain ranges, what's the difference with conventional television?
Apple TV
We begin with the Apple TV. This device was originally not a big screen television that we usually see in our homes each. This is sort of set top boxes, small boxes containing the content that can be connected to your television.
So, good content from iTunes can be played in real time on television across the brand, especially in high definitions TV / HDTV, or that have a resolution of 1,280 x 720 pixels alias is equivalent to 1/2 million pixels per frame.
So, good content from iTunes can be played in real time on television across the brand, especially in high definitions TV / HDTV, or that have a resolution of 1,280 x 720 pixels alias is equivalent to 1/2 million pixels per frame.
Apple TV when it's just kind of synchronization between the boxes with television sets using a computer network or WiFi access. Therefore, this is not the same as the iPad, iPhone, or iPod that is full of Apple products.
This device is also not a new product for Apple's founder, the late Steve Jobs, was introduced in 2007 at the Macworld Conference, with the initial name of iTV. Its capacity was 40 GB hard drive and video capabilities 720 fps (frames per second).
May 2007, capacity was increased to 160 GB. On January 15, 2008, capacity increased again because the owner can simply buy the box set iTunes content directly from the box, iTunes does not have to go first.
On 1 September 2010, Steve Jobs revolutionized the Apple TV. In addition to the size of the set boxnya only 1/4 of the initial shape, speed of access was better, and replace the hard drive function in iTunes to download content with a flash memory.
On 1 September 2010, Steve Jobs revolutionized the Apple TV. In addition to the size of the set boxnya only 1/4 of the initial shape, speed of access was better, and replace the hard drive function in iTunes to download content with a flash memory.
After merely providing access devices, the company plans to expand the Apple TV more seriously by mid-2012 launch of this plan. Yes, of course, in the form of full quality HDTV television that supposedly size 32 and 37 inches.

This issue is even louder, when a number of portal technologies such as www.t3.com, reported that the specialist product design, Jonathan Ive, is endeavoring to complete the two latest models of Apple TV.
Most likely, the report continued, his name will again be changed from the Apple TV iTV. iTV will use their mobile operating system, IOS. It features the Siri-tech controls, Airplay, iCloud, and integration with iTunes. In short, besides watching television, can also be games, browsing, and social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Google +).
Google TV
So, like what Google TV? This product was also originally the same as Apple TV, set top box that is shaped based Android operating system. Product was first shown in Think-Free Officer at International Consumer Electronic Show in 2010.
In this product, you can simultaneously watch television with the Internet. Because it's one of their slogans is "TV Meets Web. Web Meets TV". This is indeed a fact that could real enjoyable.

Do not forget the Android Market. Applications market was rising can also be found the owner of Google TV so compelling content that is identical for free on Android Market, can also be found here.
The greatness of this can be more felt because since November 2011, Google announced the Android smart phones can be used as a remote control. Plus, can find a variety of content from Youtube, as a subsidiary of Google. In this year, Google took the LG TV will be released in the first half of 2011. While other new partners, Samsung, will be released simultaneously with the launch of Apple TV.
In fact, both Apple TV and Google TV has not been completely successful. In fact, one of Google's TV partners, namely the Logitech from Taiwan finally stopping the production of their Google TV last November after losing up to 100 million U.S. dollars.
Nevertheless, with reference to worlds lifestyle changes, including in Indonesia, the smart tv definitely has great potential. Well, Will smart tv boom such as smartphones? *** [ILHAM SANTOSO | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 10012012]