Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mars is Too Dry For Inhabited

The debate about life on Mars continues among academics and researchers. This time the researchers from Imperial College London, UK, stated that the planet Mars is not habitable living things because the surface has suffered severe drought during the period 600 million years.

The results of soil analysis showed that the red planet's surface has been dry for a very long time, so that living things should be hidden away underground if it is to survive.
Could some form of microbial life possibly exist on Mars? According to the findings of an international team of researchers, it is highly unlikely that life in any form currently exists on Mars, as conditions on the planet have been far too hostile for too long. (Picture from:
The researchers concluded that there ever water on Mars during a warm period that lasted up to 5,000 years in the past. But all that was not enough for the continuity of life to establish itself on the surface of the fourth planet from the sun.

The findings, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is based on the analysis of soil samples collected during NASA's Phoenix mission to Mars in 2008. The experts spent three years researching the soil particles to determine whether the planet Mars was habitable.

The analysis showed that the soil on Mars formed under dry conditions the same as in the month. Samples taken from the ice at the north pole of Mars. However, separate studies have shown the entire planet Mars covered with the same soil type.

Research team leader, Tom Pike, said, although there are a lot of ice, Mars has experienced extreme drought that may have lasted hundreds of millions of years. "We think we know now that Mars is very contrasted with previous history, which has a period of warmer and wetter and probably more suitable for life," he said.

According to Pike, the future of Mars exploration mission launched by U.S. space agency (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA) depend on how deep they have to dig to find evidence that life may still sheltering underground. *** [TELEGRAPH | SCIENCEDAILY | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3787]Enhanced by Zemanta

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