Friday, February 3, 2012

How do Diamonds Come From Deep Below Earth's Surface?

Many people and companies doing the digging to find the diamond. Indeed, this rare mineral is produced at high pressures and temperatures at depths of 140-190 kilometers below the earth's surface.

The problem is, how it can be the hardest mineral to the surface of the earth? The answer is found in experiments that made Kelly Russell, a volcanologist from the University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada. "Diamonds are driven close to the surface by carbon dioxide gas," he said. The process is similar to the emergence of gas bubbles after opening a bottle of carbonated beverages.

In the bowels of the earth, the pressure becomes very high, which makes carbon dioxide bonded together to form carbonate rocks rocks. Kelly uses carbonate-rich rocks as samples in laboratory experiments.

He sprinkled mineral called orthopyroxene in the sample. After waiting about 20 minutes, the carbon dioxide in the rocks began to explode. "The bubbles are formed right before our eyes," said Russell, who claimed to be surprised.

This experimental approach what happened in the bowels of the earth. Upper mantle layer (7-400 km below the surface) contain 15-27 percent mineral orthopyroxene. As a result, it is easy to interact with the mineral carbonate rocks found at a depth of 140-190 km.

When that happens, the carbon dioxide released from magma pushing molten material into the upper layer with a speed of 14 km per hour. Getting closer to the surface, the higher the content of orthopyroxene, thus making the magma pushed faster. Russell calculations show magma rose from depth 120 km in just 3-8 hours.

The theory of impetus by the carbon dioxide is in line with those seen in the field. Diamonds are mostly found mixed with kimberlite rock solid. These rocks appear on the surface after the eruption due to changes in pressure in the bowels of the earth.

According to James Head of Brown University geologist, Russell experiment was to fill the void in the event of kimberlite eruption. "The new theory is to ensure the diamond through the crust, then spread into a ring and a necklace around the world," said Head. *** [SCIENCEMAG | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3774]
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