Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Exploration to the Center of Solar System

Mankind has long studied the Sun, a white star who plays as a center of our solar system. Since Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to put forward the theory that the Sun is the center of circulation of the solar system in the 16th century, people continue to know and in a more empirical approach.

Indeed, the man in the modern era is now no longer believe in the theory Earth as the center of the solar system, who proposed by Ptolemy and has survived since the second century BC. The sun, also no longer believed to be the mythological symbol in many cultures throughout human civilization.

The concept of nuclear fusion presented by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar and Hans Bethe in 1930 also eventually be able to explain exactly what it is Sun. However, human curiosity about the center of the solar system continues to roll from time to time.

In this modern era, humans have launched several spacecraft that are specifically directed to carry out the mission of exploration of the Sun. Recorded, the shuttle was first made it into orbit the Sun is the Pioneer 4, launched on March 3, 1959 by the United States. Pioneer 4 is really a pioneer in the history of exploration of the Sun.

The success was followed by the launch of Pioneer 5 to Pioneer 9 during the period 1959 to 1968. Subsequently, on May 26, 1973, the U.S. space station Skylab is launched named by carrying three crew members. Skylab carry Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) which is used to retrieve more than 150,000 images of the Sun.

Exploration continued with the launch of Helios I managed to orbit until it reaches a distance of 47 million km from the Sun (enter Mercury's orbit). Helios I been in operation since December 10, 1974 until the end of 1982. Then, Helios II was launched on January 16, 1976 and reached a distance of 43 million km from the Sun.

Mission to the Sun probe continues in subsequent periods. Solar Maximum Mission to collect data to 24 November 1989 and burned during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere on December 2, 1989. Next is the Ulysses space shuttle which became an international project to study the Sun's poles and launched on October 6, 1990. The next year there Yohkoh which is a collaboration between Japan, U.S., and Britain. The mission continued with the program Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) developed by the U.S. space agency (NASA) in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and was launched on December 12, 1995.

Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
At the end exploration to the center of the solar system is the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Mission which was launched in February 2011 (see graphic). SDO mission is to study small-scale changes in the atmosphere of the Sun in many wavelengths simultaneously, observing how the generated magnetic field and formed structure. Then, from the stored magnetics field is converted and released into the solar wind and energetic particles, and how these processes affect the energy output of the Sun.

All were considered related to changing weather patterns in space, and how technology and its impact on the electrical energy used by humans on Planet Earth.
Exploration to the Center for Solar System. (Picture from: PIKIRAN RAKYAT 05012012)
Although planned to operate for five years, but the stored fuel could be used for ten years. SDO was built at a cost reached 850 million U.S. dollars and the operation will take the full images of solar disk every second, with a resolution ten times better than the resolution of high-definition television (HDTV). The resulting image quality IMAX film. There are three instruments used to collect 1.5 Terabyte of data per day, equal to 500,000 downloaded songs per day.
An artist's concept of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

Three instruments are the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE), and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). SDO will reveal the Sun's magnetic field and its influence on Earth's environment, to learn all the phenomena that occur in the Sun, from the corona above the curved surface of the sun, when solar flares will occur, and throw the mass of an instantaneous burst corona and towards the Earth. Understanding of the data that is more detail that will make us a better understanding of space weather phenomena, which is totally away from the 2012 doomsday myth.

Although already much being done to learn the secrets of the Sun, there are still many details that can not be explained by scientists. Therefore, the center of the solar system exploration will continue throughout time. *** [NASA | WEATHERSPACE.COM | SDO | DEWI SETIAWATY | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 05012012]
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