Saturday, February 11, 2012

Different Locations, With Different Menu

Killer whales (Orcinus orca). (Picture from:
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) is the top predator in the ocean. Wherever they are, these animals seem to gobble up anything, from a collection of small fish to large baleen whales, which doubled his size larger than killer whales.

Behavior that tends to gobble up what has now become a problem. Climate change and the melting of Arctic sea ice stretch of potentially affecting the balance of marine ecosystems because of killer whales hunting territories are increasingly widespread. Recent research in the journal Aquatic Biosystems combines scientific observations with the Inuit traditional knowledge, Canada, to determine the behavior and diet of killer whales in the Arctic.

Inuit traditional ecological knowledge is now increasingly used as a lot of pe-complete scientific observation. The researchers visited 11 communities of Manitoba Nunavut Inuit, Canada, and collect information from 100 interviews with hunters and elders.

Inuit people reported that killer whales can eat whatever they catch, especially marine mammals, including seals and other whales such as narwhal, beluga, and Bowhead. But there was no indication that the Arctic killer whales eat fish. Only seven people interviewed indicating that whales eat fish, but none of those who see it directly.

Animal species were wiped out by killer whales varies in different regions. Incidence of killer whales eat Bowhead whales, for example, most often occurs in Foxe Basin. As in Baffin Island, narwhal selecting prey of killer whales.

Inuit also learned how to style hunting the killer whale. Some Inuit people reported how whales work together to kill the giant Bowhead whales. "By leveraging local knowledge, scientists can understand the effects of global warming and the shrinking expanse of Arctic sea ice to the species," said Steven Ferguson from the University of Manitoba, Canada, who led the research. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | KORAN TEMPO 3781]Enhanced by Zemanta

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