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Friday, January 27, 2012

New Great Apes Found Europe

Great apes are still roaming the European continent until 7 million years ago. Combined researchers from Germany, Bulgaria, and France have documented the existence of the big apes in Europe based on the analysis of hominid molars. Great apes survived on the prairie.
The last European great ape lived 7 million years ago. (Picture from: http://io9.com/)
The findings came from the discovery of hominid teeth 7 million-year-old who was found near the city of Chirpan, Bulgaria. The research project involves an international team of researchers from the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and Madelaine Bohme, researchers from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment at the University of Tubingen.

This new discovery may change understanding during this on several main stages in the evolution of hominids. Until now, scientists assumed that the big apes with extinction in Europe 9 million last year due to changing climatic conditions.

Tooth was found in Upper Miocene fluvial layers. Morphology and thickness of the enamel showed hominid fossils. Age of the fossil sand revealed the possibility that the fossil is the last great ape from the European Continent.

The latest fossils exist today are specimens Ouranopkhecustahun macedonensis 9.2 million years old from Greece. Meanwhile, the hominids considered to have disappeared from Europe prior to 9 million years ago.

Current European terrestrial ecosystems has changed from mostly forest to pasture like a landscape with seasonal climates. Researchers already estimate that the great apes, which generally consume fruits, can not survive due to lack of seasonal fruits.

The scientists also found the typical animal pasture area. Among others, several species of elephants, giraffes, deer, antelope, rhino and saber-toothed cats. These findings suggest that the hominids of Europe is able to adapt to the climate in grassland ecosystems. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3770]Enhanced by Zemanta
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