Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nearest Point of the Sun Did Not Affect the Weather

Earlier this year the Sun is at its closest point to Earth. "But this condition is not very influential on climate change," said Muhammad Rayhan, Chairman of the Jakarta Amateur Astronomers Association.
Earth at Perihelion: On 5rd January 2012 Planet Earth will be at closest point to sun in its elliptical orbit around Sun at 0.983 AU (147 million km) from Sun. Astronomically this is phenomena is known as “Perihelion”. Whereas on 5th July 2012 Earth will be at Aphelion at 1.017 AU (152 Million km approx) from Sun i.e. it will be at farthest point from Sun. (Picture from:
According Rayhan, determinants of climate change is happening lately is an anomaly. Not in the position of the Sun to the Earth.

Indeed, the phase of the Sun which is right on the equator is an annual event. Sun has a movement to the north or south. Thus, in one year, the sun does not always rise exactly in the east and do not always go down right in the west.

Position of the Sun's influence on the country through which the equator, such as Indonesia, over the duration of day and night. "Its influence over the maghrib time shift," said Rayhan.

While the effect for the northern hemisphere and south is the similarity of the course of the Sun. So day and night will be the same duration. Generally, countries in northern and southern hemisphere have different duration of day and night.

Natural events on the sun as a benchmark based on the international calendar at this time. It's different if you wear the Islamic calendar, such as Syamsiah or Qomariyah. "There must be a shift in time," said Rayhan. *** [SATWIKA MOVEMENTI | KORAN TEMPO 3756]
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