Monday, January 9, 2012

From Elephant Dung Into Quality Paper

Project change elephant dung into paper initiated a former Australian zoo officials, Tim Husband. He assumed if the full of fiber elephant dung can be used as the paper maker.
Paper made from Elephant Dung. (Picture from:
In this project, an elephant in Bali Safari and Marine Park are fed 180  kilograms  of grass. This much food produce 100 kilograms of manure per day. Each pile of dirt was changed to 15 sheets of quality paper.

Quoted International Bussines Time, this can be done because the digestive system of elephants is different. They did not destroy all the grass they eat, but left the high fiber that comes out with dirt.

Because fiber is the main ingredient of paper making, the manufacture of paper from the dung is possible to happen. However, the manufacturing process was rather repugnant to the general public.

Starting from the collection of elephant dung and then boiled and washed. This process is done repeatedly until the dirt is losing half of its weight. After washing, the fiber pile is then turned into a mush that eventually formed into paper. After drying, odorless paper is ready for use.

This recycling process is not only generated from elephants, but also from any animals that eat fiber such as horses, deer, panda, sheep, and kangaroos. Even in 2005, a paper company in Tasmania, Creative Paper Tasmania, plans to use kangaroo dung to be stationery. The idea of ​​making paper from dung can be used to save the trees and the environment. *** [RIF | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 05012012]
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