Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Deep Voice, Low-Quality of the Sperm

A low-pitched voice a man identical with range of masculine nature, such as physical dominance, large body size, and more attractive women. But recent research suggests that men have voiced severe low sperm quality.
Although it's women are attracted to men with low-pitched voices, the evolutionary reason isn't clear. A new study indicates low-voiced men do not have higher quality semen. (Picture from:
The group of scientists from Australia started their experiments by asking the view of women about sound and its relationship with sperm quality. The result, as might be predictable: women judge deep voice reflects a masculine figure.

Researchers think this is reasonable because, throughout human evolution, women tend to choose partners through the fertile male physical characteristics. "Secondary sexual characters, such as body hair, muscle size, and quality of sound, often associated with fertility levels," said Leigh Simmons of the Center for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, as the chief researcher.

To prove this allegation, they asked for help 54 men to provide semen samples and sound recordings. Examination of the samples show, he voiced "bass" does not mean having a strong sperm. "He actually has a low noise low sperm concentration," he said.

In the publication by the journal PLoS ONE on December 22, 2011, researchers have an explanation for this phenomenon. According to them, there is trade-off in the human body. The character who symbolizes the might and appeal, including deep voice, to be paid with low sperm quality.

Low noise associated with high testosterone levels. Although also plays an important role in the formation of sperm, the presence of this hormone at high levels would damage the sperm production. *** [LIVESCIENCE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3755]
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