Friday, January 27, 2012

Clean My Nature, Luck My Country

Production decline naturally in an oil field is bound to happen, so we need a method of increasing oil recovery from fields that had been operating for decades. Methods of enhanced oil recovery by injecting a solution of various physico-chemical (eg surfactants, polymers, and gels), microbiology, gas, thermal, or water is the most frequently encountered hi. Therefore, this method does not require a lot of cost.
CO2 Injection, and "CO2 Flooding," have been heralded as the greenest way to recover stranded oil as carbon dioxide frees the stranded oil easily and affordably - and after the oil has been recovered, the CO2 is "trapped" in the reservoir, in a solution called "carbon capture and sequestration." (Picture from:

But whether the result is maximum and is able to meet the target of so many barrels per day? Some researchers from various countries have analyzed more than 40 methods of increasing oil recovery method and its modifications in various scientific journals report the following problems encountered during testing and the percentage of results obtained.

These results are certainly very much influenced by geological conditions and types of oil reservoirs in it. Type of oil with high specific gravity and porosity of reservoir rock that bad a challenge for researchers to find suitable methods, to provide maximum results, the cost affordable, environmentally friendly as well as the demands of today's technology.

Injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) is the answer to the challenges facing companies in reducing CO2 emissions in the field and enhance oil recovery. Using CO2 injection is already long been known and has been tested by researchers in several fields in central Europe and eastern Europe in the 1940s, and resulted in increased oil recovery significantly.

This method is able to reduce the weight of oil, thus simplifying the movement of oil out of the rock pores and poor permeability and reduce surface tension at the oil-water boundary. The problem is on CO2 capture, storage, and transport the gas. Not to mention the gas that triggered the acceleration of corrosion of the drilling instrument, so the method is considered less economical.

Consequently, the use of CO2 as an increase in oil recovery methods are rarely applied. But, in recent years, a number of company-owned field in the Norwegian North Sea countries are able to apply this method as an effective and safe way to prevent pollution of the world's emissions.

This study is a CO2 storage pilot project proved that this method can be and is feasible to reduce CO2 emissions on our planet. A similar project conducted in several regions of the country, Uncle Sam, and one project in the north African continent, namely Salah, Algeria.

Does the CO2 capture and storage and CO2 injection can be carried out in Indonesia, which contributes to CO2 emissions blamed on this earth? Actually we are able and capable of doing so.

This is a real challenge for experts petroleum, geology, and the integration of various experts of other disciplines in Indonesia to answer one of the global problems with the condition of the ring of fire earthquake-prone Indonesia to store CO2 safely for long periods in the layers of rock in Indonesian. This problem must be solved in order not to be a time bomb in the future.

Basin region in some areas of Borneo seems to be a safe area for storage of CO2 in the layers of sediment in the basin. Because, based on geological conditions, Borneo is the craton, which is free and stable earthquake. Some areas of the eastern part of Sumatra, Natuna Islands, and northern regions of Java is an area of ​​good potential for application of this technology.

Not all regions can implement this method. Because the potential for leakage from CO2 storage layer of rock in the fault line that triggered by earthquakes are fairly common in Indonesia. The existence of a layer of rock cover (cap rock) are not easily fracturing (fracture) also became important as preventing leakage of CO2 from the target storage layer.

But the application of CO2 injection to a depth of 1,100 meters reserve in Minami-Nagaoka gas field, Japan demonstrated the safety of this method. Although the earthquake rocked by 6.8 Richter scale in 2004 with quake hiposentrum point about 20 kilometers from the gas field, the reservoir is not leaking CO2 reservoir. *** [FELIX SANTO PRACOYO. Candidates Competitive Scholarship, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Students of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia| KORAN TEMPO 3767]
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