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Thursday, December 8, 2011

This is the Biggest Black Holes

Group of astronomers from the United States and Canada found that the largest single object in the universe. The object is two black holes located in the heart of the two giant galaxies.
The artist impression shows galaxy NGC 3842 (background), the black hole affecting stars (centre) and how our solar system would be dwarfed by it (inset). (Picture from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)
The biggest hole was found after experts analyzed data collected Hubble space telescope and the two large telescopes on Earth. This powerful telescope can describe the speed of starlight that is known around the centers of galaxies following star brightness.
One of the super-massive black holes, surrounded by stars. (Picture from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)
"We know the mass of the black hole at the heart of the galaxy to build the model orbit," said head of research from the University of Michigan Astronomy Department, Douglas O. Richstone, last week.

Orbit model allows Richstone discovered two galaxies with peculiar heart. Each galaxy, NGC 3842 and NGC 4889, has a black hole weighing 9.7 and 21 billion solar masses. Previously, the heaviest single object ever invented by man is a black hole weighing 6.3 billion solar masses, which is located in the center of the galaxy Messier 87.

The galaxy NGC 3842 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation Leo is located 320 million light years so far. While the galaxy NGC 4889 is an elliptical galaxy located 336 million light years from Earth.

The biggest black hole of this invention to extend the mystery of the existence of a giant black hole at the galactic center. Until now, experts are still arguing about the origin of the formation of giant objects.

Prof Chung-Pei Ma, of California University, and colleagues used data from ground-based telescopes in Hawaii and the Hubble Space telescope to spot the black holes by analysing the movements of stars caught by their gravity.

The researchers, whose discoveries are described in Nature, said: ‘Observational work conducted over the past few decades indicates all massive galaxies have super-massive black holes at their centres.

‘The giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87 hosts the hitherto most massive known black hole which has a mass of 6.3 billion solar masses.

‘Here we report NGC 3842 has a central black hole with a mass of 9.7 billion solar masses, and that a black hole of comparable or greater mass is present in NGC 4889.’

Black holes are hard to detect because their powerful gravity sucks everything in including light and other radiation that might otherwise reveal their presence.

Despite the discovery the record looks unlikely to stand for long as over the coming decade astronomers plan to link up hundreds of telescopes to create a giant array that will significantly increase their ability to find and observe black holes.

Called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), it will scoop up so much information about the cosmos that a supercomputer equivalent in power to a staggering one billion PCs will be needed to process it all.
Numbers game: This artist's impression shows the SKA's dishes, which will scan space for electromagnetic radiation - and hopefully reveal the universe's secrets. (Picture from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)

The SKA will consist of thousands of dishes across 1,900 miles, with a total surface area of one square kilometre, that will provide so much data that one astronomer has declared it will completely change our view of the universe.

Dr Ian Griffin, from the UK Association of Science and Discovery Centres, told MailOnline: ‘The SKA project will provide astronomers with a fantastic new tool which may well revolutionise our understanding of the universe.

‘With its huge area the telescope will show incredibly fine detail in galaxies, help test the theory of relativity by studying exciting and mysterious objects like black holes and allow astronomers to learn more about the early history of the universe.'

Dr Michele Cappellari, an astro-physicist at Oxford University who reviewed Professor Chung-Pei Ma’s paper for Nature, added: ‘Giant black holes, with masses of a few billion times that of the Sun, have fascinated scientists, science-fiction writers and the general public alike since they were first proposed four decades ago.

‘The future looks bright for black-hole studies using the next generation of 40-metre telescopes, such as the European Extremely Large Telescope, which will significantly increase the number of galaxies that can be reliably investigated.’

Black holes are probably the strangest cosmic phenomenon that we know about.

Their gravity is so strong that normal laws of physics just don't apply, with time actually slowing down at a black hole's event horizon - the point at which it would be impossible to escape its clutches.

Physicist Stephen Hawking has theorised that black holes may lose their energy over billions of years and eventually evaporate, but this has yet to be observed by astronomers.

The theory of Einstein's general relativity predicts that triggered the birth of objects that can trap objects in the universe. This thing comes from the star-sized 6-100 times the mass of the sun that collapses into a small spot that turned into a black hole.

The experts have not agreed about the process of black hole formation, as is widely found in the center of the galaxy. But it is certain that a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy into a giant machine that produces light and high-energy particles. *** [NATURE | DAILYMAIL | GUARDIAN | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3729]Enhanced by Zemanta
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