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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mobile Phones Can be Automatically Shut Off While Driving

Scientists from New Jersey has developed a system that can make cell phones off automatically when users operate the vehicle. However, the system will not affect people who only ride in the vehicle.

Researchers from the Steven Institute of Technology and Rutgers in New Jersey using the Bluetooth network on mobile phones and loudspeakers on vehicles. Bluetooth connection and speakers will detect when motorists using mobile phones in the car.

This system measures the signal from the stereo speakers with distance phone and a Bluetooth receiver, so it will give a warning directly to determine where the phone is operated.

By measuring the distance with speaker phone, the phone can estimate the distance from the center of the vehicle (between owners and vehicles that carry the phone). Distances are expressed have 95 percent accuracy accuracy to determine whether the phone is in the hands of the rider or passenger.

When the owner is detected, the phone will decide whether to lock or not. System that made ​​the team leader Chen Stevens, Marco Gruteser, and Richard Martinis were designed to allow passengers to use phones when driving in a vehicle, but not for motorists.

Although I could distinguish the passenger and driver, this system has not been able to overcome the problem of noise, wind, and the length of the road. Disturbances during the trip will affect the signal leakage akuistik and Bluetooth networks in most vehicles. But the best still remains a personal awareness that using a phone while driving is dangerous. *** [NEWS.BIOSCHOLAR.COM | DIANING SARI | KORAN TEMPO 3733]

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