Saturday, December 10, 2011

Microsoft Open the Windows Application Stores

Microsoft plans to open a new application store in February 2012, along with the official launch of Windows 8. The presence of these applications store became an integral part of an operating system.

Apple iOS platform, for example, will only be a software "empty" if no application that can run in it. Therefore, the company made the Apple App Store as a place of buying and selling a variety of applications required by users of Apple gadgets.

Similarly, Google's Android operating system with its Android Market, which has now been downloaded 1 billion applications per month.

Vice President of Windows Web Services Antoine Leblond says Windows Store is the most important part of Windows 8, the operating system was first introduced in September.

One way Microsoft entice application developers to want to display their homemade program in Windows Store is to provide a lucrative revenue sharing, which is 70 percent for new applications.

Microsoft is preparing Windows Store in 100 languages ​​so that users have no difficulty understanding the contents of this application store. "We also provide payment in local currency," Leblond said. *** [PCWORLD | RINI KUSTIANI | KORAN TEMPO 3729]
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