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Monday, December 19, 2011

The Hunting Higgs Boson Sub-Atomic Particles

Higgs Boson Particle increasingly cornered, CERN's experiments two detectors closer to the location of the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Seminar room European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva city crowded by dozens of physicists and journalists. Many of them even attend two hours before the celebration was held on Tuesday (12/13/2011).

They are awaiting the latest report on the CERN Higgs boson searches, which by the reporter called the "God particle". On Last summer, the agency announced it has discovered the Higgs boson. This time more detailed announcement by the detector A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS) and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS).
A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS)-model. (Picture from: http://www.scifun.ed.ac.uk/)
Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)-model. (Picture from: http://tfy.tkk.fi/)
Two detectors are part of the Large Hadron Collider, a grinding machine in the world's most powerful atom CERN. Two other detectors are Alice and LHCb.

ATLAS detected Higgs Boson particle in the energy range 140-490 GeV. The result, there is a singularity in the energy range 116-130 GeV.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC). (Picture from: http://scienceblogs.com/)
"We cornered the Higgs boson to the region 116-130 GeV with a singularity on the energy of 125 GeV," said a spokeswoman for the ATLAS Experiment, Fabiola Gianotti.

According to Gianotti, these peculiarities may be derived from energy fluctuations that arise unexpectedly. But on the other hand, this could be a sign of the presence of the Higgs Boson particle. To confirm the second allegation, Gianotti determined to reproduce the experiment so that the Higgs Boson particle getting trapped in 2012.

In the summer, the CMS detector to confirm the existence of the Higgs boson particle at energy range 120-140 GeV. Later, CMS found peculiarities in the energy range 115-127 GeV. Interestingly, the peak anomaly occurs in the region 124 GeV. This location is close to the areas found ATLAS. "But the need for additional data next year," said a spokesman for the CMS experiment, Guido Tonelli.

Two of these advanced detectors will continue to do experiments. Additional results will be announced at the end of winter, in March next year.

Higgs Boson particle concept first emerged when physicists completed the preparation of theories explaining the nature of all matter in the world. Labor of thousands of physicists who worked for decades came to a theory, called the Standard Model particles.

This model states that if the object is destroyed it will be up to the smallest size there are 16 elementary particles. Some of these fundamental particles, eg electrons, photons, and quarks-are quite popular in the ears.
Standard Model of Physics. (Picture from: http://themadscientists.wordpress.com/)
Experiments over the past four decades confirm the existence of this particle 16. However, one particle is still a mystery. Particles of the 17th named Higgs boson is considered responsible for generating masses in atomic nuclei.

Therefore, the search engine requires a particle accelerator capable of crashing the atomic nuclei at high energies. Estimates so far, the Higgs Boson particle energy levels are at 124 GeV. For certainty, still waiting for March next year. *** [CERN | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3737]
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