Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Earth's Twin Planet

Almost all of the characteristics of the Earth is in Kepler-22b. Not surprisingly, astronomers dubbed this new planet as Earth's twin.

This planet, who discovered NASA space observatory, Kepler, circling a star, which is also very similar to our sun. This star is classified as a G-class stars are very similar to the sun. Similarly, the distances between stars and planets.
A NASA illustration compares our own solar system with Kepler-22b, a star system containing the first 'habitable-zone' planet discovered by the Kepler mission. (Picture from: http://www.theprovince.com/)
One year old on the planet was 290 days, not much different from the Earth. Planet rock is also strongly suspected to have water.

This planet is in a comfortable zone for habitable or Goldilocks zone designation given astronomer. So far they have trouble finding a place not too hot but not too cold. Place water, which is very fundamental to life, does not freeze and boil.

The only problem is it's slightly larger planet for life to exist on the surface. Magnitude 2.4 times the size of Earth, making it resemble a massive gas and liquids, like Neptune, with a stone core. Most of its surface was covered with oceans.

Kepler-22b is the first habitable planet discovered Kepler telescope. Last January, a vehicle that operates since 2009 that detects the Kepler-10b, Earth-like planet with an ideal size. Unfortunately, the planet is too close to its star that dropped from the list of planets in the habitable zone for life.

Compared Kepler-10b, the new planet's orbit is sized 0.85 times the Earth-sun distance. Although closer to its parent star, the emitted light was pretty dim star that Kepler temperature only 22 degrees Celsius, the air temperature sesejuk in luxury malls, so it is ideal for life.

If people want to move to another place in the universe, this planet is the most suitable location for now. "This finding is an important milestone in the search for Earth's twin," said scientists from the Kepler mission, Douglas Hudgins.

Habitable zone of stars, measuring 0.7-1.2 times the Earth-sun distance. Thus, Kepler-22b are in the deepest of the region that could harbor life. Water in the liquid phase as well as abundant amounts of oxygen is very likely exist in this planet's surface.

The process of locating the planets using the transit method. Observatory to observe changes in the star's light at all times and wait for the planet crossed in front of the star.

When crossed by planets, bright stars changed drastically. Of changes in the light of this, scientists can find out the radius, a distance of orbit, and planetary orbital period.
Kepler Spacecraft and Photometer. (Picture from: http://www.ufo-blogger.com/)
Kepler discovered that planets as Kepler-22b passing in front of its parent star. Before confirming it as a planet, NASA should look at that event three times. Kepler's third-22b sightings actually occurred years ago, just before the telescope was turned off for a while. NASA needs a few more months to complete the confirmation.

Along with finding habitable planets, the Kepler mission also noted the new planet candidates 1000. Provisional estimates, there are 10 planets in that list is equivalent to Earth in size and located in the habitable zone. However, further observations are needed to confirm these allegations.

"This is a phenomenal discovery in human history," said Geoff Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley, one of the pioneer hunters Earth-like planet outside our solar system. "These findings suggest that we, Homo sapient. Exert our reach into the universe to find a planet that reminds us of home. We almost reach it."

But whatever the outcome of sophisticated observation of Kepler space observatory that can not prove the existence of life on the new planet. The telescope is only providing information which planet has the ideal conditions for life.

It must be remembered, the parent star Kepler-22b is 600 light years from Earth. Each light year is 5.9 trillion miles. Required at least 22 million years for a space shuttle to get there. *** [AP | NASA | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3733]

Habitable Planets
More than 600 extrasolar planets have been discovered. Some of them have a condition that is suitable for the nursery life. Here are some planets that might sustain living things:

Gliese 581 d
Gliese 581 d
Discovery: 24 April 2007
Mass: 5.6 Earth masses
Orbital period: 67 days

From the cosmic standpoint, the planet which lies 20 light years from Earth is very close. 

This planet is quite warm and wet, so it becomes appropriate land for bersemainya life.

Gliese 581 g
Gliese 581 g
Discovery: 29 September 2010
Mass: 3.1 Earth masses
Orbital period: 36 days

When discovered, Gliese 581g appears to be the best candidates for Earth-like planets. 

This planet is in the habitable zone and may have an atmosphere.

GJ 1214 b
GJ 1214 b
Discovery: December 16, 2009
Mass: 6.5 Earth masses
Orbital period: 1.5 days

The planet is touted as the "water world", and is located 42 light years from Earth. 

The uniqueness of the planet's entire surface is flooded. Surface water is surrounded by a thick steamy atmosphere and clouds of hydrogen.

HD 209458 b (Osiris)

Size comparison of HD 209458 b 
with Jupiter.
Discovery: November 5, 1999
Mass: 218 Earth masses
Orbital period: 3.5 days

This planet is 150 light years from Earth. The atmosphere that surrounds it is estimated to contain water vapor and some organic elements that also possessed an ancient Earth. 

Unfortunately, gaseous planet is very close to their parent stars, so it is too hot.

Kepler-10 b
Kepler-10 b
Discovery: January 10, 2011
Mass: 4.5 Earth masses
Orbital period: 20 hours

If located slightly farther from the parent star, Kepler-10b could save lives. 

This planet is evidence that rocky planets like Earth could be created around other stars.

HD 85512 b
HD 85512 b
Discovery: August 17, 2011
Mass: 3.6 Earth masses
Orbital period: 54 days

Its mass is quite moderate, making this rock can save the planet's atmosphere and is considered as the most likely to save lives. 

This planet also called super-earth. *** [DISCOVERY | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3733]
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