Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Anonymous in Action Again

Anonymous hacker group hijacked the data belonging to Stratfor, a consulting firm political, economic, and military based in Austin, Texas, United States.
Stratfor is less popular. But, if you know who his clients, you'll understand why this group of hackers targeting the company.

The company clients are Apple Inc. holds the data of the United States Air Force for the Miami Police Department. Anonymous claims to have stolen data on more than 4,000 credit card numbers, passwords, and home address.

According to the group's hackers, data theft done so that they could use the victims money to contribute to Christmas. Several victims who claim to have asked for confirmation of suspicious transactions on their credit card accounts.

Meanwhile, the official website Stratfor can not be traced and written, "out of service".

"Now this data is not a secret anymore," wrote Anonymous via TwitterThe group claimed the attack on Stratfor's just the beginning of the Christmas attack that will still continue with the sequential list of other victims.

A few hours after plowing and Anonymous announced his actions, name, phone number, e-mail address, home address, and credit card account details have been stolen through an encrypted link via Twitter.

Stratfor Intelligence Vice President Fred Burton said his company was investigating the leak of the data. *** [TELEGRAPH | RINI K | KORAN TEMPO 3747]
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