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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Scientists Create Separator Oxygen Catalysts

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found a chemical that helps the separation of the oxygen atoms of water molecules. Later this catalyst can be used to produce hydrogen fuel and a rechargeable battery.

This new compound made ​​from cobalt, iron, oxygen, and several other heavy metals. The experience of the 10 compounds studied have previously demonstrated the new catalyst is able to accelerate the separation of the reaction of oxygen 10 times better than previous chemicals. This scale is considered as the best standard for similar reactions.
The part of the catalyst that cranks out 100,000 molecules of hydrogen gas a second packs electrons into chemical bonds between hydrogen atoms, possibly hijacked from water. (Picture from: http://www.physorg.com/)
Catalyst discovery process begins by studying the properties of the outermost electrons of transition metal ions. Reaction rates involving electrons proved to be extremely high, so it is very likely to break the oxygen bonds.

"We do not only reveal the fundamental principles, but also discover new compounds," says Shao-Horn, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials MIT, last weekend.

Shao-Horn is not the only researchers who want to discover this unique compound. Many groups are also seeking efficient catalysts to accelerate the separation of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules.

This separation is needed to produce hydrogen used as fuel for hydrogen cars or rechargeable batteries. Later it helped create electricity in a fuel cell.

To perform this process, it takes two types of catalysts, namely oxygen and a catalyst bond breaker breaker hydrogen bonds. Catalyst oxygen separator major obstacles to split water molecules. *** [PHYSORG | ANTON WILLIAM  | KORAN TEMPO 3694]
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