Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Scientists Create Long Lasting Battery

Increasingly sophisticated mobile phones, the more greedy it absorbs energy from the battery. Now scientists are finding a battery that can last for one week despite the intensive use and can be recharged in just 15 minutes.
Harold H. Kung
"We found a way to enlarge the capacity of the battery 10 times better than currently available," said Harold H. Kung of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Iliinois, United States, through the official website of Northwestern University.

Kung modify, lithium-ion batteries are widely used in mobile devices in general. He slipped the new material on the electrodes in the battery thus allowing the electron transfer is faster than previous technologies.

Batteries are currently consists of three parts, namely anode, cathode, and electrolyte, as the material connecting the two electric poles. Materials used in this teknoiogi has many limitations. Anode, for example, is made of stacks of Graphene sheets, which can only accommodate one lithium atom per six carbon atoms. As a result, the battery capacity is very limited.

Graphene sheets one atom thick also hinder the performance of batteries, lithium-ion Each must go into this layer through the outskirts of Graphene, then propagate to the middle. The result, congestion occurs and makes ion battery recharging takes a long time.

Kung modify the battery by slipping sheets of Graphene on silicon. One silicon atom can accommodate four lithium atoms. To prevent cracking of silicon during recharging, Kung made ​​a special arrangement which reduces the silicon cracks.

Next, given the holes sized Graphene sheets 10-20 nanometers using a specific chemical oxidation techniques. This hole is a kind of shortcut for ions that would gather in the middle of Graphene sheets.

"The battery can be filled more quickly, while the arrangement of stacked create greater capacity," said Kung. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3708]
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