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Friday, November 4, 2011

Researchers Create Insect Catcher Robot

The researchers created a robot that works mimic plant insect catcher. Later, the robot is collecting energy from the insects that prey.

Robot creation Seung-Won Kim of Seoul National University, South Korea. He and his colleagues emulate the principle of preying on the plant Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula), a pinning insects by using two leaves.

To that end, Kim made ​​this robot from two different materials, namely carbon fiber-shaped shell that behaves as a metal spring leaves and as a driver.

When the insect approaches the leaves and set foot into an artificial leaf, the addition of the load, then the leaves will shut by itself. To open the leaves, the researchers simply drain the charge to move the spring drive.
Other researchers from the University of Maine, United States, took a different approach. Mohsen Shahinpoor and his team use artificial muscles made ​​from a polymer membrane coated gold electrode.

The electrical current is passed through the membrane, so bent in one direction. If the direction of motion of the charge is reversed, the magnetic poles will reverse, so that the membrane bent in the opposite direction.

Charged membranes also generate an electrical voltage. Shahinpoor use as sensors. When insects land on the membrane, ketch amounts of electricity! flowing through the body and as a conductor beriaku charge. As a result the lining shall bow and made ​​a motion to close.

"Technology trap these insects should be utilized as possible," said researchers from the Bristol Robotics Lab, UK, Loannis Leropoulos.

He referred to another robot named Ecobot, capable of swallowing an animal and use it as an energy source. In Ecobot contained bacteria capable melapukkan outer skeleton of insects, so that electrons flow into the circuit result: electrical energy. *** [NEWSCIENTIST | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3694]
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