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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Rainy Season, It's Time to Save Water.

The rainy season has arrived. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics estimate for this December 2011 in Jakarta and surrounding areas will receive high rainfall, from 200 to 300 mm, but that number will increase two-fold to 400 to above 500 mm, or into the category of very high, at in January 2012.

Predictions it makes people in Jakarta haunted by fears of major flooding. But for Edi Prasetyo Utomo, this rainy season is the time to save ground water.

Researchers from the Research Center for Geotechnology (Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi) at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia/LIPI) has started saving since four years ago. At the height of the dry season, in June 2008, Edi and four other researchers oversee the process of digging a trench 21 meters deep along 1 meter at the bottom of the pool that has been dried at LIPI headquarters in Gatot Subroto Street, Jakarta. Ditch and pond that is the tool to save Eddie.
Simbat type for Housing. (Picture from: KORAN TEMPO 3710)

Eddie is an experienced injector makes a pool of water in several small islands in Indonesia. This time he applied this technology in the urban area in the middle full storey building. This experiment is called "SIMBAT" (Simpanan dan IMbuhan Buatan Air Tanah/Deposits and Groundwater Artificial Additives). Jakarta became the only city in Indonesia who followed this trial. Other cities in Asia to try are Bangkok (Thailand) and Hanoi (Vietnam). "Every year we gather to report on research developments" said Edi told Tempo, Tuesday, October 15, 2011.

Simbat principle is the inclusion of rainwater into the aquifer layer and simultaneously create a lens aquifer to increase the storage capacity of freshwater aquifers. This technique is also applied to the wells, but with a much larger scale.

LIPI target of this project could solve hydrological problems caused by groundwater exploitation in the area of ​​large-scale residential, office buildings, and industrial areas. During this housing developers draw groundwater from a depth of 40-200 meters as the main source of clean water.

According to Edi, the water at this depth is very good quality because it is a pure deposits collected since hundreds of years ago. Unfortunately, the water supply to this area is greatly reduced since the reduction in water catchment areas in Jakarta. "Developers should think about the conservation of soil water," he said.

Depletion of ground water threatens water supply in urban areas. Clean water crisis in some areas in Jakarta showed exploitation of ground water began to reach a critical condition. Aquifer that is not filled with ground water is also a good place for occurrence, causing sea water intrusion into brackish ground water.

Other effects of reduced ground water is the occurrence of subsidence. This situation could potentially be the location of the gathering rain that triggered floods. In addition, the structure could be disrupted due to the decline of this ground.

Simbat improve soil water conservation quickly and effectively. It was seen in experiments carried out by Edi using the roof of the LIPI building as collecting rainwater.

Water that falls onto the roof of the building is passed through the gutters and water pipes to an underground pool size 21 x 13-meters with a height of 3 meters. At the bottom of the pool there are pipes buried down to the aquifer layer. Edi experiments performed at three different depths, which is 18 meters, 31 meters and 60 meters. An artificial wells installed around the pool to monitor the fluctuation of water depth in the aquifer layers.

The technique was introduced LIPI work without the help of electricity. The water collected in ponds attracted downward by gravity through a pipe. Downward movement is growing quickly due to pressure created along the water line so that rain water entering the soil contamination filtered and free of pollutants.

Intensive phase of the injection water during the rainy season. In the dry season, water contained in the soil can be harvested.

During the three-year experiment, researchers LIPI always get the results that exceeded expectations. In the first year, ground water in the complex LIPI Headquarters can be found at a depth of 1.7 meters. Whereas, previously, the newly acquired ground water at a depth of 4.5 meters.

Filtering system using gravel and fibers are also shown to be rid of contaminants. Monitoring of water quality by pollutants dirty rain turned into drinkable fresh water when it reached the aquifer layers.

Injected water discharge is also high. Every day, rain water Simbat capable of supplying as much as 1,500 to 1,600 cubic meters. At the maximum, this figure reached 3,500 cubic meters per day, while at the minimum level of ground water entering the reach from 900 to 1,000 cubic meters per day.

Saving water is abundant evoke a sense of optimism. "I assure you, in the dry season, the trees grew thick LIPI still," said Edi.

Edi also came to the conclusion that the water should be injected at a depth of 40-60 meters. Aquifers in the ground the most sucked by the office and industrial developers. Making Simbat not require great expense. For a patch of LIPI office complex would cost only an estimated Rp. 200 million or U.S. $. 22,200. Maintenance is also easy. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3710]

Small Simbat With Great Benefits
(Simpanan dan IMbuhan Buatan Air Tanah/Simbat) aka. Deposits and Groundwater Artificial Additives Techniques is suitable to be developed for injecting rainwater into the ground on a large scale buildings. However, with slight modifications, this technology can be used in households or villages on small islands throughout Indonesia.

According to LIPI researchers, Edi Prasetyo Utomo, Simbat can be made on a small scale. For the household level, water collected from roofs fit into the tank water. Water flowed into the tank filter, and then forwarded to the wells particle made ​​of three one-meter diameter concrete pipe piles planted in the ground. The two lowest pipe filled gravel and fibers as well as a hole so that water can be filtered and seeps into the ground.

"So, every house has its own artificial aquifer," said Edi, last Tuesday.

Simbat for household has already been applied in his home. For this he completed the entire system will cost Rp. 2 million or U.S. $. 220. Despite having to spend, he believes his home will not experience water shortages in dry seasons.

In 1997, a team from the Research Center for Geotechnology also briefly tested the injection technique of rainwater in some small islands in Indonesia. Character of the small island surrounded by the sea makes it difficult to find residents aquifer layer. If the groundwater sources are found and exploited without thinking about sustainability, people just waiting for the timing of the water crisis.

In this area, rain water collected in the pipe trench network were planted at some point in the trenches as a place of entry of water into the aquifer layer. Thus, the water collected in a seed underground and fresh water towing in the vicinity. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3710]
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