Sunday, November 27, 2011

Life Lake on Europa

EUROPA Jupiters Moon. (Picture from:
Photographs of Europa, a moon of Jupiter, sometimes hanging on the wall of planetarium or astronomer workspace. Celestial body is brown with dark streaks elongated in ice-dominated surface.

But many who do not know that the geological conditions of this moon to support the existence of life forms. This analysis comes after Galileo, inter-planetary rover NASA, take pictures of Europa, which has a dome and basin of ice in the outer layer.

"In Thera Macula, we witnessed the formation of active a mess," said Britney Schmidt, planetary physics researchers from the University of Texas, last week. Thera Macula is one area in Europe that has a lot of chunks and makes it different than the flat surface around Europa.

According to Britney Schmidt, is a proof that there is different geological processes in the region. He mentioned that the formation of Thera Macula as the "land of chaos" formed by the presence of a shallow lake beneath the surface of Europa. From here created the geological model is tested through the computation.
Jupiter's moons surface comparison. (Picture from:
Models based on the structure of Europa, which consists of an iron core in the center covered with a coat and a rich sea of chemicals and salt water. In the outermost layer, there is a layer as deep as 10-30 kilometers

Europa floating in orbit Jupiter. Gravitational force created by the largest planet in our solar system is changing along with changes in distance of the moon to Jupiter. Due to changes in gravitational force, core iron and sulfur inflate and deflate.
Close-ups of surface features on Europa. (Picture from:
Digesters that this invisible impact on the release of energy in the form of heat which is distributed near the outer layer, which coats and sea salt through certain areas in coat. This hot region works like a stove that heats the pan bottom, so that the liquid in the bottom of the sea salt pushed to the top of the cooler.

The drive is hot water continues to reach the bottom layer of ice. Water molecules are slowly eroded this layer and penetrate up to the surface. The result, a layer of ice formed on the fracture-fracture. If you met each other, these cracks forming lumps floating on the lake of salt.

On the surface, seepage of salt water exposure to cold air. As a result, salt lakes undergo a process of slow freezing. Ice sheet is sandwiched by the freezing process. In further developments, the sea ice is still giving impetus to the top, making the surface of lake ice that is more flexible than the location and form a dome around the protruding ice as happened in Thera Macula.

"The age of the water bag is very short, only takes 10-100 thousand years before the lake freezes," said Paul Schenk, planetary science researchers from the Lunar Planetary Institute in Texas. The findings of shallow lakes in Europe is the basis for the analysis of potential life here. Indeed, during this research has its own criteria of the habitable zone that says life can only come from areas that are warm enough so that water is in liquid phase.

Habitable locations is expected to be along the orbit of Venus as far as 0.75 astronomical units, and Mars as far as 2 astronomical units from the sun.

Europa and Jupiter in orbit as far as 5 astronomical units, which receive little sunlight. Therefore, researchers pessimistic liquid water could be present on Europa. But nature has a way to make water in the liquid phase.

On Earth, liquid water is present because the overflow of sunlight, whereas in mortar Europa Jupiter's gravity into a stove heated to form liquid water is present on the mainland.

Therefore, the presence of salt water in the liquid phase on Jupiter's moon gives new hope for the emergence of other life in the solar system. Water that appears on the surface can be a source of life for many organisms.

Not to mention the water on Europa is rich in chemicals and minerals that can support the existence of life. "Ocean of salt water on Europa meets the minimum requirements for the emergence of life," says astrobiologist experts from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Tori Hoehler.

According Hoehler, who was not involved in this study, these latest findings provide new implications for the search for life on Earth apart. He also re-turn discourse sending spacecraft to investigate the structure of Europa. That way, the project delivery search engine next life should be directed to this Jupiter's moon. *** [SPACE | NEWSCIENTIST | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3715]

Zeus Lover
Astronomer Galileo Galilei was the first who saw the four moon that surrounds Jupiter in 1610. For services, the fourth moon of the light that continues to experience a revolution is called the Galilean satellites. These four moon are named according to the lover of Zeus: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Among the four moon period, Europa is the smallest-sized satellites. This satellite diameter 3.138 kilometers, comparable to Earth's moon.

Due to its size is too small, people should send a spacecraft to Europa approaching, so they can see a clearer picture.

The first efforts made by the Pioneer 10 satellite owned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1973. Unfortunately, the image produced these rides tend to be opaque so it is difficult to interpret.

In 1979, NASA's Voyager 1 sends back close to Europa. Satellite photos show this item Voyager as a yellowish ball.

The sharpest images transmitted by the Galileo spacecraft, launched in 1989 by NASA. From this the researchers learned that Europa is due to the cold world of ice that covered the entire surface.

Researchers also found the black strokes are long mingled with domes and small basins with different surroundings.

Another mission is to study Europa, Jupiter Europa Orbiter worked out by the combined state, such as the United States and Europe, and will be launched in 2020. Plans changed in early 2009, when both countries decided to study the satellites of Saturn, Titan, which is predicted to also save lives.
Fact of Jupiter's Moon Europa. (Picture from: KORAN TEMPO 3715)
The concept of the most ambitious exploration of exhaled in 2001. NASA plans to build nuclear-powered cryobot vehicles that can penetrate the surface of the ice and get to the ocean salt water. Immediately after reaching the layer of salt water, it should release hydrobot, unmanned vehicle that can drive in deep water. With the remote control capabilities, the researchers hope to explore the hidden parts of the stomach Europa, where life is estimated to be.

Planetary science researchers from the Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Louise Prokter, said the findings of a shallow sea became a glimmer of hope for the discovery of life on other solar system. "The mission to Europa becomes very important and should be the next target of exploration," she said. *** [SPACE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3715]
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