Monday, November 7, 2011

Constants Are Not Constant

The constants of physics is not always constant. Numbers regulator of the nature of light was changed at various locations in the universe, changing the human view of the universe and content of student textbooks.

Since 1916, physicists familiar with the fine-structure constant that governs the strength of electromagnetic waves as forming the light. Numbers who introduced the German physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, is given the symbol alpha (lowercase roman).

Constants of physics is related to fundamental constants, like Planck's constant, the speed of light, and electric permittivity constants. The constant alpha is unstable also violates a fundamental principle in general relativity theory of Albert Einstein.

"The strength of electromagnetic varies in different parts of the universe," said researchers from the University of New South Wales, John Webb.

The paradigm of natural law is not uniform has been extinct since the ouster of cosmology of Aristotle by medieval science. When the physicists to ensure that the existing law on earth, including physical constants, are also applicable in the sky. Isaac Newton discovered the theory of gravitation using this paradigm. Expansion of the laws of physics to the whole universe becomes the basis for the legal foundation of modern physics.

This change is visible from a decade ago when physicists turn towards the 300 galaxies in the farthest part of the universe. Alpha value is greater on one side and weaker on the other side. Such differences could reach two-fold.

Variations in the value of these constants have a major impact on human knowledge of the world. The universe could be more widespread than ever imagined before.

Other impacts associated with the origin of life. Humans, as the only intelligent beings that are known to live in the universe, can only appear if you are in the universe with a certain constant value. This constant variation explains why life emerged on Earth only. rather than on the other side of the planet in the universe. *** [PHYSORG | ABC | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3697]

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