Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Carbon Emission Rate Bad

A colour version of previous map, ranking coun...Image via WikipediaCarbon dioxide emission reduction projects that are released into the atmosphere have not demonstrated results. United States Department of Energy to calculate the level of greenhouse gas emissions are even more severe than the worst-case scenarios predicted by climate experts four years ago.

Recent data showed, throughout 2010, the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air 564 million tonnes (equivalent to 512 metric tons) more than the previous year. This figure means an increase in emissions by 6 percent, the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions come from three countries, namely China, the United States, and India.

Geologists from Appalachian State University, Gregg Mariand, which is involved in calculating emission said the increase in emissions is like a monster that continues to grow unnoticed. Approximately half of the additional pollution comes from two giant nations of the world economy, namely the United States and China.

Director of the Department of Energy, Tom Boden, calling menggendutnya carbon dioxide emissions as a "big leap". This climate crisis, he said, is much larger than the global crisis. Boden said the men travel more often and produce goods throughout 2010.

Emission control policies to reduce fossil fuel consumption is also not successful. Humans actually consume more and more coal and reduce fuel consumption of natural gas is more environmentally friendly. *** [PHYSORG | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3700]
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